Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance

Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance by Veronica Scott Page B

Book: Hostage To The Stars: A Sectors SF Romance by Veronica Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Scott
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overlords. Why are we continuing on to the city?”
    “I have to see for myself. The shepherd’s tale is circumstantial evidence but not enough. He could have meant the relationship with the Shemdylann for all I know and the Sectors doesn’t care much about situations with them.” He considered how best to explain. “Again, it’s a matter of proof Command will accept and find compelling enough to take action as a result. This isn’t the only possible hot spot in the Sectors, not by a long shot, and there are never enough resources to check them all. Command has to prioritize. I’m trying to figure out if the Mawreg or the Chimmer, or some other client race involved in invasion and destruction are still here because that fact would make this a very high priority.”
    She shivered. “The longer I know you, soldier, the more things you tell me I wish I could not know. I think I liked being a naïve citizen with a rosy vision of the war.”
    Her visible distress upset him. He berated himself for saying too much to an innocent civilian because it felt good to unburden himself of a few facts he knew about the real world. Sara was too easy to talk to, a rare experience for him. He didn’t talk to many people other than Mike about anything beyond superficial topics. Reaching to touch her hand, he said, “I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better about keeping the details to myself.” He swallowed hard. “We’re not supposed to be sharing intel with civilians anyway. It’s just I’m so used to talking to you and you seem like a woman who wants to know the truth–”
    “I am.” She interrupted his apology in a firm tone. “Being naïve and ignorant is what landed me here on Farduccir in the first place. Which in turn caused you to be in danger in order to rescue me. I admit I find some things hard to hear. But that doesn’t mean I want sugar coating.” She took a faltering step toward the town, straightened her spine and fell into a smooth pace for sustained hiking.
    He followed her, debating what, if anything he should say and finding nothing appropriate.
    They walked in silence for a while.
    “Look,” she said, giving him an enigmatic sideways glance. “I’m not upset. I asked you to persuade me of the necessity of this trip to the town and you gave me the facts I needed. I get it now. Doesn’t mean I like it but you’ve thoroughly convinced me we have to do this reconnaissance. As long as we get off this planet at the end of the adventure, I’ll be fine.”
    “I gave you my word.”
    “And you’re a man of your word. I know, I can tell.” Sara poked him playfully in the ribs. “So stop brooding and start talking again.”
    “About what?” He gave her a wide eyed glance.
    “No more politics and warcraft, not right now. More boyhood tales of growing up on Azrigone would be fine.” Laughing she said, “I enjoy hearing about you as a kid. I’ll even tell you about selected instances of my less savory adventures if you like.”
    Relieved to see her in a better mood, he relaxed. “I can’t imagine you ever getting in trouble. I bet you were a sweet kid.”
    “I had my moments especially as a teenager. Ask my Mom and Dad.” She shot him a glance. “If you’re really good, I might share a few of the better stories, things even my parents remain blissfully ignorant of.”
    Sara exerted herself to keep them both cheerful so the rest of the day’s march passed smoothly, although Johnny never slackened his situational awareness. There were no other encounters with Farducirri. In the late afternoon he called a halt. Pointing to another copse of trees next to the roadbed, lining a small stream, he said, “I think we can shelter there for the night. Let’s set up camp and then I’ll see if I can find any game. There should be ground marmints at the least. Running water attracts them and a whole colony will build nests close to a stream.”
    “What do they taste like?”
    He made a face. “A bit gamy,

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