“ ...focuses on atmosphere and desperation...gruesome and really interesting, both stories oozing hopelessness...a really strong debut.” Corey Graham formerly of the Midnight Podcast http://www.midnightpodcast.com
“ One of the most humanizing zombie stories since Romero’s Night Of The Living Dead.” Bryan Wolford of the Drunken Zombie Podcast http://www.drunkenzombie.com
"This collection of short stories is brutal and heart breaking. Steve Wands describes the state of the world in the midst of a zombie outbreak as if he were there. These tales will make you feel like you know the characters and are sharing in their plight." Mike Benedict of The Cadaver Lab Podcast http://www.cadaverlab.com
“ ...one of the more intense and downbeat endings you will ever read... endlessly fun...nothing wasted...no pulling of punches.” Desmond Reddick of Dread Media http://www.dread-media.com
“ ...very well done...makes you want more...a great read... I couldn’t put this down.” Darryl Pierce of A Little Dead Podcast http://www.alittledead.com
Stay Dead: The Stranger & Tunnel Rats was also nominated for a 2009 Mail Order Zombie Dead Letter Award for Best Zombie Book/Fiction. http://www.mailorderzombie.com