Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 05 - Eye Spy

Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 05 - Eye Spy by Hope Callaghan Page B

Book: Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 05 - Eye Spy by Hope Callaghan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Callaghan
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Senior Sleuths - Michigan
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the foyer.  “Well, well.  Two of favorite girls.” He kissed Andrea’s forehead and then hugged Gloria. “I’ve been thinking about you,” Brian said.
    “Oh yeah?”
    “Wondering if your washer was still working and if your houseguest was still there.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the answer to both is yes?” His eyebrows raised.
    Gloria’s shoulders slumped – just a little.  Andrea had taken Gloria’s mind off her troubles, but they were back now in full force.  “Yeah.  Any news on the post office investigation?”
    If anyone would have info, it would be Brian since he had a lot of people come in and out of the hardware store every day.  He shook his head.  “Nope. Not a peep.  They’re keeping a tight lid on it over there,” he said.
    “You want to join us for lunch?” Andrea asked.
    Gloria shook her head.  “No. I have another stop to make before I head back home.  Maybe next time.” She hugged Andrea and Brian and headed to the car. 
    It was time to stop by her friend, Lucy’s, place.  She hadn’t seen much of her lately.  Just briefly when she came by the farm to drop off a load for the yard sale.
    Lucy’s jeep was in the drive. Gloria pulled in beside it.  She started for the porch door when she heard a muffled voice.  “Over here!”
    Gloria rounded the end of the house and circled the bush on the edge of Lucy’s garden.  Lucy was bent over a tomato plant. A bushel basket rested on her hip.  She straightened her back and shaded her eyes with her free hand.  “My, my.  If it isn’t my long-lost best friend,” she said wryly.
    Gloria defended herself. “You know I’ve been busy.”
    Lucy tip-toed past the tidy rows of plants and over to where Gloria was standing.  “I know.  I’m just teasing…”  She set the basket on the grass and motioned Gloria towards the house.  “How’s it going with the houseguest?”
    “Ruth’s fine.  No problem at all,” Gloria answered.  She remembered her date last night with Paul.  “It is cramping my style a little,” she admitted.
    Lucy was on the top step now.  She spun around.  “Oh yeah?  What style is that?”
    “You know.  Dates.  Stuff like that,” she added.
    “So go over to Paul’s place,” Lucy logically suggested.  She held the door for Gloria to go inside.
    “We would but Paul’s kids just moved in,” she said.
    Lucy snorted.  “You don’t say.”
    Gloria pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down.  She stuck her chin in her fist.  “Yeah.  I do say.”
    Lucy headed to the kitchen sink.  She scrubbed the dirt and grime off her hands then wiped them on a towel hanging on the side of the fridge. “Have you eaten lunch yet?”
    Gloria’s stomach grumbled in response.  “Nope.”
    Lucy reached into the fridge and pulled out a box of fried chicken.  “Good. You can help me with this.”
    She reached in and pulled out a container of coleslaw and another one with potato salad.  She set them on the table and grabbed a pitcher of iced tea.
    “Here, let me do something.” Gloria jumped to her feet and helped set the table.  The two loaded their plates, then said their blessing.  The chicken was delicious, even cold. 
    “Did you get this from Dot’s place?” Gloria asked. She peeled off a piece of white meat and popped it into her mouth.
    Lucy nodded.  “Yeah. She’s trying a new recipe and asked if I wanted to be the guinea pig.”
    The meat was moist and tender, the coating nice and crispy and seasoned with the right amount of salt.  Gloria made a mental note to tell Dot it was delicious.
    Lucy reached for a drumstick.  “Any news on the investigation?”
    Gloria shook her head.  “Brian said the investigators are keeping a tight lid on the case.”  She hesitated for a fraction of a second.  Should she tell Lucy about Ruth?  She decided she needed a second opinion.  Lucy had helped her out with other investigations.  Maybe they could put their heads

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