talking in mind."
    "I admit I do. Is that so terrible? Even if you won't say it, I will." I pressed my hips against her flat belly. I wanted her to feel my stiffening cock grow against her. "Can I make you laugh? Can I make you sigh? Can I make you beg me to do all the things a man can do to a woman?"
    Her mouth opened into a rosebud 'o' but she said nothing. Those feline eyes gleamed with a golden brilliance that made me know I was lost. Or found. I was having a very hard time saying what I wanted to say. There was an element of crazy in what she did to me. She was nothing I'd ever wanted and all that I ever needed. The surprise of her left me speechless.
    When I spoke with a kiss, I willed it to be a different sort of kiss. I wanted her to feel something unrehearsed. To kiss her with fierce honesty that demanded nothing less in return. Half expecting her to wiggle away, I drew her tighter into my body as our mouths met. When her breasts pressed into me the warmth of her soft flesh lit two circles of fire on my skin.
    Her lips welcomed me just long enough for me to taste her. Then she put her delicate hands against my chest and shoved me hard. I had to catch the rail at the edge of the seaport's pool to stay on my feet.
    "What the fucking hell do you think you're doing?" The edge in her voice was as sharp as one of her knives.
    "It's known as a kiss."
    "I know what it is. Have I given you any reason to think you can just force yourself on me?"
    "I had no intention of forcing anything on you. You were giving off all the right signals."
    "I'm sorry, Mister Wolf, but I think you flunked the class in female semaphore. I have a feeling that the simple fact of being a woman is signal enough for you."
    "You said I was 'hot as hell'! You said I had 'perfect bones'." I didn't mean for it to sound whiney, but it came out that way.
    "Did you miss everything else I said? Did you miss the part where I called you a spoiled brat? And a player?"
    "I was hoping I could change your mind."
    "With the mind-blowing awesomeness of your kisses? I think not. I told you I can't be bought. And working for you as a 'cook' doesn't mean you own me either."
    "Forgive me for thinking you might be attracted to me."
    "I am attracted to you. Who wouldn't be? But being shallow isn't one of my many issues. I'm also repulsed."
    "Isn't that a tad strong? I've been called a lot of things but never repulsive." That hurt. I turned my back to her and studied the sway of the water in front of me.
    "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Her voice pillowed down to a softer tone. "It's just that you're . . . you're just not my type."
    "What 'type' am I?" I said without turning to look at her.
    "You belong with the girls up on deck. They understand your world. I don't." She touched my arm tentatively. "Can I be honest with you?"
    "Please." I was hoping I'd be able to handle another dose of her honesty.
    Lara leaned against the rail she'd pushed me into and followed my gaze toward the water. "I've made some amazingly crappy choices when it comes to men. It's almost as though I'm drawn to guys who couldn't be worse matches for me. So, it's like a red flag when I meet someone . . . someone who . . . " I barely turned my head toward her but it was enough to see how flustered she was.
    "Turns you on?" Her blushing stammer gave me the courage to say it.
    "That's one way of putting it. An egotistical way, but one way."
    "Can we make a deal?" I took her shoulders and turned her to face me. Her whiskey eyes were enough to make a man drunk with desire. 'Sensitive' had never been my middle name as far as women went, but this time I knew without a doubt that hers was a potion to be sipped, not gulped.
    "What kind of deal?" She sounded suspicious and I guess I had given her reason to be.
    "The kind where you give me a chance."
    "I'm beginning to think that the best way to handle this is for me to say adios when we reach Paradise Island."
    "You can't mean that."
    "I sure can mean it." She

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