Home on Apple Blossom Road (Life in Icicle Falls)

Home on Apple Blossom Road (Life in Icicle Falls) by Sheila Roberts

Book: Home on Apple Blossom Road (Life in Icicle Falls) by Sheila Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Roberts
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might just be a keeper, and he had lots to do.
    So much to do that he began to find himself having, well, almost too much of a good thing. Lorelei liked to keep busy, which meant that Colin now liked to keep busy. Workouts, marathons, bike rides, restaurants, clubs, dancing, more workouts, not to mention a workout between the sheets. By Fridays he’d been starting to drag. By Sundays he’d been wishing it was Friday, so he wouldn’t have to go in to work. He began to wonder if he was running low on testosterone.
    “You need iron,” Lorelei informed him one day when she was towing him around the mall. So into the health store they went, where they stocked up not only on iron but also on protein powder and pills guaranteed to give him adrenal support.
    After a week of taking all that, plus an expensive multivitamin she’d recommended, he did feel better. It also helped that she caught a cold and was stuck at home sick for a couple of days, and he got a chance to recharge.
    “I’m sorry we can’t be at the gym together,” she’d croaked.
    “Me, too,” he’d said. He never told her that he’d skipped the gym.
    Other than running him ragged, Lorelei was good for him. She inspired him. Yeah, they were pretty good together...when he didn’t need a break.
    Wanting a break from your girlfriend. Was that normal?
    Uncle Mark was home now, a big bear of a guy who wore jeans to work and covered his bald spot with a Mariners baseball cap.
    “The women got you setting the table again?” he asked Colin with a grin.
    “Don’t you be giving him a hard time,” scolded Aunt Beth from her post at the stove, “or I’ll tell him about those chocolate-cherry cupcakes you baked last month.”
    Uncle Mark made a face and went to the fridge. “I’m starving. When’s dinner?”
    “As soon as Dylan gets here. And if you’re going to drink all the lemonade, you’d better make some more.”
    “I’m already on it,” Mark said, and took a can of frozen lemonade from the freezer.
    By the time Dad wandered in, dinner was ready and everyone sat down at the table, taking the same places they had for years when they were together. Well, almost. There was no Gramps and now there was no Gram. Uncle Mark said grace and Aunt Beth, Mia and Colin echoed, “Amen” when he was done. Dad didn’t say anything. He and God hadn’t been on speaking terms in years. The only time Gram ever got him to church was Christmas Eve.
    After some of his own disappointments, Colin understood how his dad felt. He’d said as much to his grandma once; she’d merely shaken her head and said, “God gives the same free will to everyone. Your father can’t blame Him when people misspend it and end up hurting others.”
    Probably not. People did a good job of screwing up their lives without any help from God. Colin was a perfect example of that.
    He took a chicken leg, even though he suddenly didn’t have much of an appetite.
    “Have some potato salad,” Aunt Beth urged, passing him the bowl.
    Nobody made potato salad like Aunt Beth. Colin took some and wished he felt more like eating.
    Dinner was far from comfortable. There was Uncle Mark, who kept the conversation limping along with his running commentary on dinner. “Great chicken, Bethie.” “Hey, guys, these beans are straight from the garden.” And Dad, eating in silence. And Mia, not contributing much to the conversation, just picking at her food.
    Uncle Mark was saying, “I’m ready for some of that peach upside-down cake,” when Colin’s cell phone rang.
    “Don’t tell me, let me guess,” murmured Mia.
    Yes, it was Lorelei again.
    “If that’s the same person who’s been texting you all day, tell her you’re busy,” Aunt Beth said.
    Colin ignored her and ducked away from the table. “Hey, what’s up?” he answered as he made his way through the living room.
    “Surprise! I’m here.”
    “Here.” Here? As in...here? In Icicle Falls?
    “I know you said I didn’t have to

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