Holly's Wishes

Holly's Wishes by Karen Pokras Page B

Book: Holly's Wishes by Karen Pokras Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Pokras
shouldn’t have run out like that the other day. I feel bad about it … guilty is really the better word. It’s been bothering me since it happened. Not about the kiss, about running out. It was kind of a weird thing to do. I guess I didn’t know what to do, you know?”
    Holly nodded. So he didn’t feel guilty about the kiss part? “The whole thing was so unexpected,” she said. “And probably shouldn’t have happened. I was upset with Jared, but that didn’t mean I should be kissing other men.”
    “Right. The thing is—”
    The timer on the stove buzzed.
    “Hold that thought,” Holly said, getting up. “This stuff heats up really fast, I don’t want it to burn.” She let out a breath as she walked to the kitchen. The conversation was taking an odd turn—her chili had impeccable timing.
    Ben seemed nervous as she handed him a bowl of piping hot food. “Thanks. It looks and smells great.”
    Taking her seat next to him, she placed her own bowl on the coffee table. “You were saying?”
    “I was saying … yes,” he repeated, as if he needed a reminder of where he left off. He balanced the bowl on his leg, staring at his food, while stirring raptly as if all of the answers were in there. “Well, the thing is,” he paused again. “You know how at the wedding I told you I wasn’t really good about the whole talking to women thing back in high school?” he asked with an uneasy laugh. “I guess I’m still not very good.”
    “You’re doing okay,” she lied.
    “I’m not, but thanks. Anyway, ever since we saw each other at the wedding, I — I know we shouldn’t have, but I’m glad we kissed.  I needed to know. I felt something—when we kissed, that is.” He searched her eyes. “Did you feel it too?”
    Holly nodded and sighed. “But—we can’t. I can’t.”
    “I know. I just haven’t been able to stop thinking about—”
    The phone in the kitchen began to ring interrupting him. Jared. It was a sign. It had to be.
    “I have to get that.” She ran into the kitchen. Taking the receiver into the bedroom, she softly closed the door behind her as she said, “Hello?”
    “Hey baby. I’m just checking in to say hi. These long shifts are killing me. I can’t wait to get home and wrap my arms around you.”
    Holly closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. “How’s work going?” she asked.
    “Oh, you know … same old boring crap. The guys aren’t giving me shit anymore at least. Now I have to get my boss off my back. He’s been in a bad mood all night. Anyway, my break’s just about over. I’ll be home around midnight.”
    “I’ll leave dinner for you in the stove.”
    “Thanks, baby,” he said, and then yelled to someone else, “I’m coming! Geez—can’t a guy get thirty seconds to take a piss?” He swiftly hung up the phone.
    Holly closed her eyes for a moment, trying to think of the right words to say to Ben, before walking back into the living room. When she got there, he was already gone. Next to his bowl of chili was a scribbled note that read, “ I’m sorry.”

    Chapter 24
    “Are you okay? You don’t seem your normal cheerful self.” Dan looked over at Holly as they ran through the first several lines of their rap. Her performance was lackluster at best.
    “What?” she responded. “Yes, yes, I’m fine. I’ve just got a lot on my mind, sorry. We can do it again if you want.”
    “It’s okay. I know how busy it gets around here trying to get everything done with the short week for Thanksgiving. We probably should’ve skipped rehearsal today.”
    She wished she could concentrate on the talent show and forget about everything else. Things with Jared were fine. Great actually. He hadn’t had any more problems at work or drunken incidents since he apologized and had made a few more hints about a big surprise coming her way for her birthday. Something shiny that was guaranteed to make her smile. If only she could forget about

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