Holly's Wishes

Holly's Wishes by Karen Pokras Page A

Book: Holly's Wishes by Karen Pokras Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Pokras
    “So now what?” Ava asked.
    “It’s like I said before, I have Jared, and he did redeem himself after our big fight. I know you all don’t think he’s the best choice for me, but he’s not always a loser. He really can be a sweet guy.”
    “Nobody thinks he’s a loser, Holly. We just want you to be happy. If Jared is capable of getting his act together and giving you everything you want, then more power to him. He’s already scored major points with his raise and promotion. And I’m glad he had a nice dinner and apology waiting for you when you got home last night.”
    Holly nodded to herself. If all of that was true, then why couldn’t she stop thinking about Ben?

    Chapter 23
     “Your brother-in-law told me where you worked,” Ben said as he leaned up against his car.
    Holly stopped in her tracks as she walked out of the school building with Dan at six o’clock. They’d been working on their routine for the talent show, and since it had gotten so late, they’d agreed to grab a bite to eat together. She knew Jared was working the late shift and wouldn’t be home for hours.
    “Perhaps a rain check?” Dan said, looking from Holly to Ben.
    “Are you sure?” she asked.
    “It’s no problem. I’ve got a ton of work to catch up on anyway. We made great progress tonight.” He moved his feet perfectly in sync with the dance steps Holly had taught him that afternoon and put two thumbs up.
    “Looks great. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiled as she watched him walk to his car.
    “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
    “How long have you been out here?” Holly asked.
    “I don’t know, since about four-thirty, I guess. That’s what time you normally leave, right?”
    “Normally, yes. What are you doing here?” He sat out here for an hour and a half?
    “I was hoping I could talk to you.”
    “Sure,” she said, although she wasn’t certain she really wanted to have this conversation. It was bound to be awkward. “What’s up?”
    He glanced around. “Do you think we could go somewhere private?”
    Against her better judgment, she replied, “Jared’s working the late shift, and I’ve got leftover chili at my place. I’m only a few blocks away if you want to follow me over.”
    He nodded, getting back into his car.
    Holly went in first to make certain Jared really was working the late shift and hadn’t been sent home early again. She sighed in relief as she stepped into the empty apartment, wondering what she would have told Jared about having Ben in tow.
    “Nice place,” he said.
    “Thanks.” It was pretty nice. They were lucky to get the three bedroom rent-controlled apartment passed down from Jared’s grandmother.
    “Here, let me take your coat.”
    As he pulled his jacket off, the top two buttons on his shirt came undone. Holly watched the material slide across Ben’s muscular chest. She blinked her eyes and turned away, banishing the thought of the rest of the shirt falling away from his body. By the time she hung up his coat, his shirt was back in place and fully buttoned.
    “I–I’ll get d–dinner started,” she stammered, trying to regain her composure. “Would you like a drink?” She desperately wanted to open a window to let in a bit of cool air. Instead, she stuck her head in the refrigerator as she reached in for the chili.
    “Water would be great.”
    “How’s the new car?” she asked, trying to make small talk to take her mind off of what she had just seen. Maybe coming back to her apartment wasn’t such a good idea after all.
    “It’s great,” he responded. “Very reliable.”
    “So … you wanted to talk to me?” She handed him his glass and put the chili on the stove. “Please …”
    Motioning to the couch in the living room, she made sure to leave ample space between them as she sat down. She didn’t want to risk another episode like the one she just experienced.
    Ben took a long drink before speaking. “I

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