Holly Hearts Headlines (Holly Hearts Hollywood Book 2)
this is a really popular restaurant. Aren’t there going to be paparazzi and like, people you know here? Are you friends with Leo DiCaprio, because I read once that he likes this place, and what if he tells Lacey that you’re here or tweets about it?”
    Grayson put his finger on my lips and shushed me. “Don’t worry about it.”
    I had no idea how I wasn’t supposed to worry about it. Of course, I was going to worry! The last thing we needed was some photo of us on Twitter gaining popularity. Manuel Salazar would destroy me so quickly if that happened. And sure, Lacey is destroying the tour on her own day-by-day, but there’s no point if I beat her to it.
    Grayson’s bodyguard escorted us (and the egg) into the restaurant. We walked past the walls of clinging ivy and through the doors only to be greeted by complete and total silence. The most popular restaurant in Los Angeles was completely and totally empty on a Friday night.
    “I called Wolfgang and got him to close the restaurant for the night,” Grayson said with a notable hint of pride in his voice.
    My mouth fell open. “Grayson!” I said in shock. I didn’t say it, because it would be tacky, but that had to be incredibly expensive. I mean, it costs a hundred dollars or more per person to eat here. Can you imagine how much Grayson had to pay him to close the restaurant? It makes me sick thinking about it. And really excited at the same time because Grayson must like me a lot if he did something like that. But still. There are people who can’t afford bread and Grayson could’ve bought a whole bakery for the cost of our date.
    After we ordered our entrees, I ran in here so I could document as much of the date as possible so I don’t forget a thing! This is actually our first real date and it’s going so well. We’re talking really easy and laughing a lot. It feels so natural to be with Grayson. It seems like when he and I are together, his whole “I’m famous, please love me” persona disappears and he truly becomes himself.
    On the surface Grayson seems like your typical gorgeous, famous, rich boy but he really has so much depth. I’m learning more and more about him every day. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only person out there who is still trying to figure themselves out. People are really complicated, no matter where they come from.
    I probably should go back to our date. Eeee! I’m on a date!
    April 15 th , 10:00am—Home
    For the record, I did not fall off the face of the planet. No, I did not lose this journal. And no, I did not decide to stop writing in it. I was grounded from my journal for a week . My mother, yes my apparently cool and “hip with it” mother LOCKEDMYJOURNALINADRAWER as some sick form of punishment.
    I attempted to call child protective services but then she had the nerve to take my phone away . She only gave it back to me when I promised I wouldn’t call them and start an unnecessary and untrue child abuse investigation.
    Why was I grounded, you ask? Why did my mother inflict this unfair punishment on me? I’ll tell you why: because I came home from my date with Grayson late. Now, does the crime match the punishment? No! It’s not like I make a habit of constantly staying out late on dates with boys and coming home at the wee hours of the night. Shouldn’t I have gotten some kind of “strike one” first offense warning or something? Who just jumps right to such an inhumane punishment?
    Doesn’t my mom realize that I never get to go out with my boyfriend? Of COURSE , we were home late. I told her we were talking and catching up. And yeah we did that for a long time, but the rest of the night we were actually (finally!) going to second base in the back of the town car but not that I would tell her that. My mom’s supposed to be open-minded, but if she grounds me for being home late, I’m not going to update her on my journey to becoming sexually active.
    When I got home, it was two thirty in

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