Holiday Magick

Holiday Magick by Rich Storrs

Book: Holiday Magick by Rich Storrs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rich Storrs
Tags: Holiday Magick
    â€œAs you wish,” Raven reluctantly agreed.

    Just before dawn, Raven and Crow circled Mei’s house. Crow sent her murder off to nearby trees so that their racket wouldn’t wake the house while Raven searched for a way in. He located a partially open window and landed on the windowsill of Mei’s room. Crow followed.
    She poked at the narrow gap. “I think I can just fit.”
    â€œDo you want me to come in with you?” asked Raven, though he doubted he would be able to squeeze through.
    â€œNo. I’m sure I can handle this alone. Don’t worry. I’ll just leave if it looks like a trap.”
    â€œPerhaps a bit more planning is in order. A distress signal of some sort?”
    â€œWell,” Crow pondered the options. “I suppose if they leave the house with two dolls, then you’ll know that they’ve trapped Fox.”
    â€œI was rather hoping for something more…proactive.”
    â€œYou worry too much. The trap is for Fox, not me. The worst that happens is Fox gets wet.”
    â€œYou are assuming much about the situation. The outcome will depend on the strength of the grandmother’s will. She could be trapped for a very long time.”
    Crow shrugged her wings. “And Fox gets bored while plotting revenge?”
    â€œOr worse. She might fade away.”
    â€œI doubt that old woman is that skilled.”
    â€œHmm,” he seemed skeptical. “I still think Fox is up to something.”
    â€œI’ll be back soon,” said Crow dismissively.
    â€œThen I shall eagerly await your return.” Raven hopped to one side, giving her room to squeeze under the window. He anxiously watched her progress. Crow hopped down onto the floor. The room was small but neat, with brightly colored posters on the walls. Crow perched on a table lamp next to the bed so she could get a good view of the room. The only visible doll was a mass-market toy sitting on the dresser. Crow dismissed it and examined the sleeping child instead. Mei was clutching two dolls. One was stained and had knotted yarn hair. Crow recognized it as the one called Fish. The other was newer and wearing a blue kimono. It looked to be her target. She considered how best to steal it. Perhaps swap in the thing on the dresser?
    Crow hopped down onto the nightstand, nearly knocking over a silver picture frame. She admired it and wondered if there was room for it in her bag. Then she noticed the picture itself. A man wearing a white tuxedo and a woman with straight black hair that brushed her hips, wearing a yellow evening gown, were posed in the rose garden at Yoyogi Park. The man had a yellow electric guitar slung over his shoulder. The woman was holding a pearlescent ball that looked quite familiar. A crash in the hallway startled Crow, and she fluttered under the bed.
    The door opened and light spilled in. Slippered feet shuffled to the bedside. “Stupid balls lurking in hallways,” muttered Grandmother. “Now, let’s collect up that pesky spirit.”
    As Grandmother rubbed the doll and held it to Mei’s sleeping face to collect her breath, Raven saw white tendrils of energy born of Grandmother’s intention and will extend from the protective talismans sewn into the doll. They snaked out around the room seeking the spirit who had recently been near Mei. One edged up the wall to the windowsill. Raven hopped to one side, avoiding it. Others flowed under the bed. Raven called out with a harsh caw as they wrapped around Crow, enveloping her. The remaining tendrils joined them in capturing Crow. Raven watched helplessly as Crow was pulled into a cage of cotton batting and scraps of fabric sewn in the shape of a girl. The talismans bound her tightly inside the doll.
    Raven tried to squeeze under the window but was too large. He beat his wings against it. Grandmother, noticing the fuss, came over and slammed the window shut, scowling at him and muttering

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