Holding On

Holding On by Marcia Willett

Book: Holding On by Marcia Willett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Willett
    Prue was filled with an odd kind of terror. How profligate she’d been with her time, how careless of its preciousness – except for those too few years with Johnny. Then, each minute had been so special, treasured up, relived. If only her two children could know this kind of happiness.
    â€˜Nearly there.’ The young mother was smiling at her, signalling relief that the long journey was over. ‘It’s hell with small kids, isn’t it?’
    â€˜Hell,’ agreed Prue, ‘but don’t wish their lives away. They’ll go quite quickly enough. Mine are your age, now, but I’d be very happy to put the clock back. Now, tell me, how long it is till we actually arrive? I’ve never done this trip before so it’s all very exciting. My son will be meeting me. He’s a naval officer . . .’
    The Saturday evening party had spilled out of the drawing room into the hall and beyond to the courtyard. At the last moment, plans for it had spiralled out of control, invitations being extended to others apart from the members of the family. Kit had brought Jake and Sin, driving them down in Eppyjay. ‘Safety in numbers,’ she’d said to Sin. ‘You must come. You can chat up Uncle Theo and tease Maria but please come,’ and Sin, torn between feeling sorry for poor Jake and tempted by Kit’s lure, had given in. Susanna had Janie, a school chum, staying, and Freddy had invited her own friend, Julia Blakiston, so that they could make up a bridge four with Theo and Prue if things became too noisy.
    The party had begun at teatime with Kit’s arrival, moved on to a buffet supper elegantly orchestrated by Caroline, Ellen and Fliss, and was now in full swing.
    â€˜Hello, partner,’ Julia said to Prue as the bridge party assembled. ‘How proud you must be of your beautiful children. What a sweet child Maria is . . .’ and Prue, weak with relief that she was not to be partnered with the formidable Freddy, chattered happily whilst her mother-in-law fetched the cards and Theo set up the table.
    â€˜Am I to have the pleasure of your company at last?’ Freddy asked amiably, if pointedly, of Theo – and he smiled that particular smile which crinkled his eyes and barely touched his lips.
    â€˜Sin sees me as a challenge,’ he replied serenely. ‘She can’t imagine why I don’t wish to make her repent of her wicked ways.’
    â€˜Far beyond your abilities, I should have thought,’ Freddy said, with a touch of her old asperity. ‘You never even managed to convert me . . .’
    â€˜I know my place, I hope,’ he murmured. ‘You’ve always been out of my league,’ and beamed upon her as she glared at him, trying to decide if he were complimenting or insulting her.
    â€˜Let’s fetch Fliss’s old gramophone down,’ Susanna was saying to Mole. ‘Janie’s brought some really good records. Beach Boys and things. We could play them out in the courtyard and dance. She’s gone upstairs to get them. She’s nice, isn’t she? Don’t you think she’s pretty?’
    â€˜She’s lovely,’ said Mole, who was suffering all sorts of pleasing – and uncomfortable – sensations at the proximity of the delightful Janie. ‘The thing is, I’m not very good at d-dancing.’
    He shook his head, angry with himself that his hated stammer had suddenly reappeared, and Susanna squeezed his arm sympathetically.
    â€˜Don’t worry about that,’ she said comfortingly. ‘She thinks you’re fab. Really sexy.’
    Mole blushed hotly and fought to prevent a foolish – he could feel that it was foolish – smile lingering on his lips. ‘Nonsense,’ he said severely.
    â€˜â€™Tisn’t nonsense!’ replied Susanna indignantly. ‘Anyway, be sure to dance with her. I bet Hal will, once we get going. And that Jake. You have to

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