Holding On
metal pole. Marienne was covered in blankets but she was still shaking. He walked straight toward her and took her hand.
    A nurse shoved a round stool toward him. “Here you go, Dad. Take a seat.”
    He moved it closer to Marienne and sat down, his eyes not leaving hers. She looked scared and her hand was ice cold. He puffed his breath into it and rubbed it between his palms. “You okay?”
    She nodded, her teeth chattering.
    The door swung open, and another nurse entered the room carrying a stack of blankets. “Nice and warm,” she said as she placed one over Marienne’s chest.
    “Why is she so cold?” Daniel asked.
    “It’s the epidural. Don’t worry. She’ll warm up in a few minutes.” The nurse positioned a clear plastic tube beneath Marienne’s nose. “It’s just oxygen, sweetie, slow deep breaths. You’ll be fine.”
    “I know.” Marienne’s voice shook, but the shivering had lessened. “This is my second C-section. It’s his first, though.” Her teeth chattered once more. “He might need the oxygen more than me.”
    The nurse laughed. “Don’t worry. We take good care of Dads too.” She patted Daniel’s shoulder then raised a sheet and clamped it to the poles on either side of the bed.
    “It’s so I can’t watch,” Marienne said.
    Daniel nodded. Oh God. They’re going to be cutting her open . He took a deep breath. The mask over his face filtered out some of the hospital smell, but it was still there. Marienne squeezed his hand. He rubbed his thumb across her wrist. She was definitely feeling warmer.
    Dr. Tyler swept into the room. “Okay, Marienne, you ready?”
    Marienne nodded.
    “How about you Daniel? You doing okay?”
    “Good, let’s meet this baby of yours.”
    Daniel tried to block out everything other than Marienne’s face. He kept one hand tightly around hers and stroked her forehead with the other. Her eyes stayed locked on his. Intense. Focused.
    “Marienne, you’re going to feel a lot of pressure now.”
    Marienne gripped his hand with increased ferocity. Her eyes clamped shut. Daniel’s heart raced even faster. He was the one shaking now. The room was silent except for the monitors and the sound of his heart beating in his ears. Then he heard the most amazing sound he could imagine. A baby crying. His baby. He held his breath.
    “Here he is,” Dr. Tyler said.
    Did she say he?
    “Congratulations, you have a beautiful son.”
    A son. We have a son.
    Marienne opened her eyes. “It’s a boy?” she asked.
    Daniel nodded. Tears clouded his eyes. Marienne’s hand was still gripping his so tightly his fingers were starting to go numb.
    “Here he is.” A nurse swept in between them, showing them both the tiny, squirming bundle. His face was bright red and he was still crying. “Quite a set of lungs he’s got.”
    “He’s okay?” Daniel asked.
    “He’s perfect. Why don’t you come with us while we get him cleaned up a bit. The doctor will finish up with Marienne now.”
    Daniel looked down at her. Tears were running down both sides of her face. He swept his thumb beneath each eye, kissing her through his mask. “You did it.”
    “We did it.” Her voice sounded hazy. “We made a baby.” Her eyes drifted shut.
    He shot a look at the nurse who was adjusting her IV bag. “She’s just drowsy. Nothing to worry about. Come. Let’s get you your baby.” She placed her hand on Daniel’s arm.
    “I’ll see you soon.” He bent and gave Marienne another cloth covered kiss.
    “Andrew.” She murmured.
    “Yes. Our son.”
    Daniel watched as they cleaned and weighed Andrew and took his footprints. They wrapped him tightly in a small blue blanket.
    “Ready to hold your son?” The nurse held the bundle out toward him.
    Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off the tiny pink face. He nodded and held out his arms. So small. So warm. He cradled him, rocking back and forth.
    “You’re a natural at this.” The nurses tucked the blanket down away from

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