Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Two

Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Two by Melanie Ting

Book: Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Two by Melanie Ting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Ting
her hips. I started to pull down her bikini bottoms. She raised her hips up to help me, watching me the whole time. Once she was naked, I looked up and down her body, and she was smoking hot. I was already getting hard again seeing all of her. I ran my hands over her, cupping her tits, squeezing her tiny waist, and feeling her muscular thighs flexing under my fingers. I bent down and stuck my tongue into the tiny divot at her navel. Kelly giggled and tried to wriggle away from me, but I held her in place.
    I moved up and sucked on her nipples, first one and then the other. I ran my hand over her stomach and then onto her mound. I put my hand between her legs and felt around—chick parts were so hidden compared to guys’. Down there, Kelly felt soft, warm, and wet. I let my forefinger follow the wetness and kind of explored around her folds. It was easy to tell what she liked because she was pretty noisy.
    “Oh, yeah. That feels so… mmm… yeah, ohhh.”
    I knew when I found the little bump of her clit because Kelly just about took off when I touched it.
    “Yes, there—right there,” she cried out. So I kept rubbing it gently. Her eyes were closed, and her whole body was pushing up against my hand. I reached down with my other hand and put a finger up inside her. It felt so hot there that I wanted to do her even more. If someone had offered me a condom right then, I would have paid a thousand bucks.
    After a few minutes of fingering her, I knelt down between her legs. I wasn’t exactly an expert, and things were pretty complicated down here. I began by kissing her all over, then parted her folds and found her clit again. I touched it with the tip of my tongue and she reacted almost violently, pushing up her whole body towards my mouth. I pushed her hips down and held her legs apart with my hands. I went at her with my tongue—licking around her clit in circles, sucking it, and pushing my tongue inside—all the time watching to see what she liked the best. Man, she seemed to like everything, and in no time she was arching her back and flexing her quads against my hands.
    “Jimmy, mmmm, you’re making me come. Fuck, it’s good, so good, ooooh fuck.”
    She let out a soft scream, and then her body relaxed. I moved up and kissed her on the tummy, and then lay beside her with my arm across her waist, looking at her. Her nipples were still hard, and she was breathing heavily. God, she looked amazing.
    She propped herself up on her elbows a little dizzily and looked at me. When she saw my erect cock, she laughed.
    “If you keep this up we’ll be here all night, taking turns coming.”
    Sounded good to me.


Leave It To Beaver
    T he next morning I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. Note to self, have orgasms more frequently. All the girls in the cabin were still asleep, so I slipped out and went to the gym. I heard the familiar clang of barbell meeting rack and went inside.
    “Kelly.” Jimmy stopped his set and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. Luckily, I had brushed my teeth this morning. His lips were soft and warm, and the fireworks were going off between my legs. We had some major chemistry going on.
    “Stop,” I said finally, pushing him away. “You need to finish your workout. And I have to start mine.”
    “Okay,” he said cheerfully. “How about if you spot my chest press? And every time I do a set I get a kiss.”
    Despite his motivational ideas, we managed to get a workout in. We didn’t shower, but we were both on the ice after breakfast anyway. We were heading back on the trail and Jimmy grabbed my hand.
    “What are you doing? Someone’s going to see us,” I hissed at him.
    “So? What’s wrong with that?” He was completely matter of fact.
    I figured Jimmy and I would keep things on the down low, and kind of see each other secretly. “We’re supposed to be working. And it’s so—I don’t know—high school.”
    “Kelly, that’s dumb. I’m proud to be

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