His to Claim #2: Savage Kiss

His to Claim #2: Savage Kiss by Opal Carew

Book: His to Claim #2: Savage Kiss by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
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From Part 1:
    A knock sounded on her door. Melanie pulled on her top again, then straightened it and hurried to the entrance. She smiled, assuming it was Jessica, coming over to see her new ink
    Oh, man, thank heavens Rafe hadn’’t come up after all. It would have been awkward if Jessica had arrived with Rafe here
    Especially since as soon as the man walked into her apartment, she probably would have thrown herself at him and torn off his clothes
    She grabbed the door, anxious to show Jessica her new tattoo. When she pulled it open, shock vaulted through her
    There in the doorway stood big, sexy Rafe, a crooked smile on his face
    Melanie’s heart skipped a beat as she stared at the wickedly sexy Rafe, his large frame filling her doorway.
    “Uh … hi,” she stammered. “Come in.”
    With his broad shoulders and tattoos flowing down his muscular arms, he could be an intimidating presence. In fact, she was amazed someone actually let him in the front door, but then, who would argue with him?
    A shiver danced down her spine as he stepped inside. Big and utterly masculine, he seemed to take up all the space in her tiny apartment. Something she’d dreamed of for a long time.
    “Sorry to just show up at your door, but your wallet fell out of your bag,” he said. “I found it in the storage compartment when I went to grab my helmet.”
    He held it out to her, and she almost giggled at the sight of her bright pink, rhinestone-adorned wallet in his big, masculine hand.
    Oh, damn, she was giddy.
    She took it from him, trying to ignore the shiver of heat that rushed along her arm at the brush of his fingers against hers.
    “I’m glad you found it. I would have panicked tomorrow morning when I noticed it was missing. Plus, it has my bus pass.”
    She grabbed her purse and slid the wallet inside, then closed the snap, which was a little flakey. That’s why the darned wallet had fallen out. Not that she was complaining. It gave her another chance to see Rafe.
    “So how’s your tattoo?” he asked. “I see you’ve taken off the dressing.”
    Her hand fluttered to her breast as she turned to face him again. “Oh, it’s fine. Just a little red, which they said to expect.”
    His gaze slid to her breast, and she couldn’t push away the memory of her earlier suggestion that he come up and check it out. Now, with him here, she was tempted to draw down the fabric of her top to reveal the tattoo to him. And more.
    “Okay. I guess I’ll be on my way.”
    “Wait,” she said. “Would you like coffee? I have decaf. Or soda? Or beer?”
    His lips turned up in a charming smile. “I’d like that. A soda will be fine.”
    She went into the kitchen and filled two glasses with cola, then returned to the living room to find him sitting on the couch. She handed him one and sat down beside him.
    “Did you do that?” he asked, gazing at the sketch of a phoenix she’d framed and hung on the wall over the desk.
    “Yes, how did you know?”
    “It’s the same style as your tattoo.” He nodded toward the phoenix. “It’s very good. Have you tried selling your art?”
    She placed her glass on the coffee table. “Oh, no. I mean, sometimes a friend will ask me to do something for them, but I never charge them.”
    “You know, if you’re interested in doing something artistic for a living, I’m sure we could find something for you in the art department at Ranier Industries.”
    She smiled. “There you go trying to help me out again. You know, you’re not responsible for me.”
    “You’re right, but I’d like to help. Not because I feel obligated. I think you’re talented and just need a chance to shine. I’d love to help you do that.”
    “Did you want help when you broke away from the company and went off on your motorcycle to find yourself?”
    His lips quirked up. “No, but I have a big bank account to fall back on. And the family business. You have to play it closer to the edge. But I get it. You want to do

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