His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1)

His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1) by Doris O'Connor

Book: His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1) by Doris O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doris O'Connor
Susie to Ren.
    Detective Roots sauntered up to Ren.
    “You must be Ellis Reynolds. What would your interest be in Ms. Elliot’s relationship status then?” she asked.
    Ren clamped his mouth shut and shook his head.
    Ty answered for him.
    “How about you cut the bull and get on with it? If you’ve got something to say, then say it, or clear the fuck off out of the club.”
    Ren sensed rather than saw the rest of his team pull up behind him, and Marian Roots swallowed hard and lost some of her antagonistic stance.
    Wonsan took up the conversation.
    “Like Detective Roots stated, we’re here on a murder investigation. Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way, but we have some questions for Ms. Elliot. I have no compunction to haul her up to the police station for questioning—”
    “You’ll have to get past us first, you cunt.” Josh’s deep rumble interrupted the other man, and as one the cleaners stepped forward. A small smile played around Huntly’s lips, but he made no move to stop them, and some of his bravado left Wonsan. The police at the doors lifted their weapons, and Susie shot forward from behind the bar.
    “I’ll answer anything you want me to. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
    Ren tensed when she wouldn’t look at him as she said those words, and Huntly frowned and inclined his head.
    “If you’re sure, Susie. You might want to wait until my solicitor gets here. They cannot force you to answer anything.”
    Susie wrapped her arms around herself and at long last looked toward Ren and his men. She smiled at each one in turn and shook her head.
    “I won’t need a solicitor, and you boys can stand down. I can look after myself.”
    It took every ounce of self-control Ren possessed to not grab his girl, fling her over his shoulder, and pummel her ass when she smiled up at Wonsan.
    “Where do you want me, Detective?”
    Wonsan regarded her through narrowed eyes, and Huntly intervened again.
    “You may use my office for privacy, if you like. If you need any of us, all you have to do is press the intercom, Susie. We’ve got your back.”
    Ren didn’t miss the undertone, and neither did Wonsan, because he puffed up his chest and glared at Huntly, who simply turned his back on the detective.
    “Thank you, sir.” Susie’s quiet voice soothed the savage beast inside Ren somewhat, and emotions churning his gut, he watched her lead the two detectives away. Owen wrenched his head toward the back room, and taking the hint Ren followed him out, leaving the rest of his team to square up to the armed officers.
    The minute the door shut behind them, Ren rounded on his friend. “What the fuck, Owen? What if she talks?”
    Huntly adjusted his cufflinks and shrugged his shoulders.
    “Have you given her reason to do so?” he asked, and Ren punched the wall in frustration.
    “No, yes—fuck, I don’t know. You should have stopped her from talking to them. God knows what she’ll say even without meaning to. She’s not used to this shit, you know that.”
    Ren fought the urge to swipe that smug grin of Owen’s face and stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets instead. The knuckles he’d scraped on the wall protested that move, but Ren welcomed that pain. It was a distraction from the ache around his heart, after all.
    “You should give your girl more credit. She’ll do just fine, I’m sure.”
    Ren snorted and swore under his breath, and Owen gave a short laugh.
    “The rumors around this place are right then. You’ve got your balls all in a twist over this girl, haven’t you?”
    “So what if I have?” Ren countered. “That’s my problem. If she squeals, however, that becomes your problem, and—”
    “And I’ll deal with it in the most expedient manner.” Owen interrupted him, and cold sweat ran down Ren’s shoulder blades at the menacing undertone. “You’ll take care of her, if you have to, right?”
    The crippling pain that shot through Ren’s chest at that thought took his breath

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