long-lasting love would become
true for her.
Although she tried to push concern over where
her next job was coming from out of her mind, her nerves were on
edge. She had cried at first, for a brief bit, not allowing herself
to wallow. I’ve got to get up and back in the game. Think about
something else.
She loved to cook. Her mom had taught Penny
all her secrets, and they had often cooked together when Penny was
little. She washed lettuce for a salad. Cut up tomatoes, mixed up a
chocolate pudding on the stove, and kept music playing.
Still, the edginess didn’t leave her body. A
glass of wine helped some. She danced in the small kitchen to keep
her mind off her troubles while she tended to the food. The aroma
of the brisket made the apartment smell delicious. Having skipped
lunch because she was too upset to eat, the smell of the cooking
meat made her stomach rumble. Comfort food will help.
The sound of the lock tumblers moving drew
her attention. A last minute primp on her hair and a smile
plastered on her face didn’t still the thump , thump , thump of her heart. Mark came through the door, looking
freshly scrubbed and handsome as ever. As his tall figure moved
toward her, she blurted out, “I got fired today.”
“What?” Mark’s face screwed up. “What
“I got fired,” Penny said. “And dinner’s
“Crap! That’s awful.” He folded her into his
embrace. “Are you okay?” She sniffled a little as a shudder washed
through her body. He tightened his grip. “You’re not okay. What
happened?” He refreshed her wine and grabbed a cold beer before he
sat down on the sofa.
“But dinner…”
“Can’t it wait? This is important.” I’m
starving, but she needs to talk.
“Okay, but just a few minutes. I don’t want
to ruin the brisket.”
His mouth watered when she mentioned the word
“brisket.” He took a slug of his lager.
Penny went through her conversation with
Keith. “They decided to change the storyline. So, they’re killing
off my character.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means, after this episode we’re shooting
next week, I’m unemployed. That happens in this business. You’re
never secure.”
“I’m sorry, honey. You can give up your place
and stay with me as long as you like, rent free.”
Her eyes watered, but she blinked back the
tears. “Thanks, Mark.” She fidgeted, twisting a paper towel in her
hands, looking down.
“Why don’t we continue this over dinner?” He
got up.
Penny busied herself serving the food.
He helped carry the platter to the table.
“I’ll do this,” he said, taking the large fork and sharp knife from
her hands. “After dad took off, Mom told me I’d be doing all the
‘man chores,’ like carving. I’m not bad.”
She doled out the other dishes while he cut
the meat. Like a regular family. He smiled at the thought.
They sat down to eat. Mark put a forkful of the tender beef in his
mouth. “This is amazing. You made this?” She nodded. “Wow!
Gorgeous, sexy, and cooks like a pro. You’ve got it all, babe.”
Penny dug into her food. She grinned at
“So what happens now? Do you need some money
to tide you over?”
She shook her head. “I’ve got some saved up.
Been saving to go to design school. This just means it’ll happen a
little later.”
“How do you find work?”
“My agent. Keith’s been pretty good.”
“Does he hit on you?” Has she been
sleeping with him?
“He did the first time I met him, but not
anymore. Now, we’re friends, sort of. Business friends. He gets a
piece of whatever I get, so he’s looking to find me work.”
“How long will it take?”
Penny’s eyes filled. “That’s the problem. You
never know how long it’ll take to get a new part on TV or in a
movie. It can take a week or years. I might be homeless…”
Mark reached for her hand. “You’ll never be
homeless, honey. Stay with me. Move in here.” The anguish in her
voice went
Winter Ramos
Grace Thompson
James Scott
Jan Tilley
Scott Monk
Cindy Williams
Steve Hockensmith
Finley Aaron
Dorothy Mack
Sean Williams, Shane Dix