His Leading Lady
threw on one
of Mark’s T-shirts and padded into the living room, looking for her
lover. The smell of fresh coffee drew her attention. There was a
note taped to the coffee pot. Smart guy. He knew the first place
I’d look. Resting against the paper was a set of keys.
    Penny –
    Early practice. I’ll be back at five. Will
you be here? I hope so.
    Last night was amazing. Hoping for a repeat
    Text me your plans for today.
    She settled back on the sofa with her mug and
picked up her phone. Her agent, Keith Peters, had called. Wonder
what he wants? The clock on the wall said it was eight. Too
early to call. She finished her drink and jumped in the
    Drying her face in one of Mark’s big, blue
towels, she smelled him. His scent always made her smile. His
hairbrush on the counter, razor, and toothbrush all reminded her of
him. She touched the articles, feeling a connection with him, even
though he wasn’t there. Is he really okay about the pictures, or
just saying that to sleep with me? Is he going to dump me? I don’t
think so.
    She’d tried to deny her feelings, but could
no longer fool herself. She was in love with Mark Davis, and there
was no going back. She had taken a seat on a roller coaster. Riding
it all the way to the end made her queasy. Penny had bailed quickly
on bad relationships in the past, not being surprised by
disappointment after disappointment. Mark had slipped under her
armor, digging a tunnel straight to her heart. She was elated one
minute and scared to death the next.
    Pushing insecure thoughts out of her mind,
Penny wrapped herself in his terrycloth robe.
    She picked up his brush and sank into the
comfort of the sofa to untangle her hair. A glance at the
clock—nine—meant she could call Keith. She sat back, waiting for
him to answer.
    “Hey, Penny. How you doin’?”
    “Fine, Keith. What’s up?”
    “Bad news, I’m afraid.” Penny’s heart rate
kicked up. Her pulse pounded in her ears. “What?” She sat up
    “They’re writing you out of the show. Killing
off your character.”
    She gasped. “Oh, no! Really?”
    “Yep. I’m so sorry, Penny.”
    Tears choked her. “What am I going to
    “I’m working on something. We’ve got to
strike now, while they still think you’re on the series. Once
you’re off, you’ll grow cold. Hang in there.” He hung up.
    I knew I wasn’t any good. I was lucky to
keep it as long as I did. What am I going to do for money? Spend
what I’ve saved for school, that’s what. Penny opened Mark’s
computer and checked the amount of the money she’d managed to
squirrel away. Rainy day money, and now it was pouring. The balance
was enough to keep her for six months, if she didn’t spend for
anything but food, rent, and gas for her car. After that? She
shivered at the uncertainty of her future.
    What about Mark? What would he say? He’s
about more than me being on a TV show. Isn’t he? She was in
love with Mark, desperately, totally, but how would he react to her
news? If he tossed her out, she didn’t know what she’d do. Piecing
together a shattered heart was no easy task, and one that Penny
didn’t relish.
    Her nerves had her body on high alert. Tell him soon, so you know where you stand. She blew out a
breath, slipped on her panties, jeans, and his shirt. Time to
return home and figure out her life, for the umpteenth time. Acting is so insecure. Up one day, down the next.
    She returned with a bag of groceries and
texted Mark that she’d have dinner ready when he got home. He
replied back that he’d be there by six. Penny pulled out her
mother’s recipe for beef brisket. She had five hours until he
returned. Plenty of time. She preheated the oven, emptied
the bag, and sighed.
    Okay, mom, do your magic. Please, don’t
let Mark leave me. She turned on the radio and took heart when
the song “Gone, Gone, Gone” by Phillip Phillips came on. She sang
along, hoping that the words about

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