His Forever (His #3)

His Forever (His #3) by Octavia Wildwood Page B

Book: His Forever (His #3) by Octavia Wildwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Octavia Wildwood
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be something, huh?  Hey viewers, tune in next week to see the incredible melting woman!
    “Mina Sinclair,” I said, my voice sounding much calmer than I felt.
    “What brought you on the show?”  His eyes bore into me as though he was trying to read my mind.  It was an invasive feeling that left me flustered and taken aback.  I’d expected to be questioned on my soufflé-making technique, but nothing more personal than that.  I valued my privacy, as weird as that may have been given that I was on a reality show.  I didn’t take kindly to his interrogation-style interview techniques.
    Sometimes the simplest answer was the best one.  “I wanted a change.”
    “You’re not here for the money?” he pressed, slowly circling me like a vulture as he spoke.
    “Well of course I’m here for the money,” I replied as though Gavin’s question was utterly preposterous.  I heard snickers in the audience and they gave me a confidence boost.  A lot of people loved to hate Gavin Roth.  “It’s a lot of money.  Anyone who says they’re not here to win fifty thousand dollars is a liar,” I added boldly.
    “You’re feisty.”
    “I don’t know about that.”  The verbal sparring was beginning to wear on me.  I wished Gavin would just cut to the chase and tell me whether he was keeping me around for another week or giving me the boot.  But instead he was drawing it out, playing a cruel and sadistic game of cat and mouse for his own entertainment – and that of the viewers. 
    “Mina Sinclair,” Gavin said teasingly before trailing off dramatically. 
    This was it.  Either I’d be told to hit the road or I’d win a mini-prize of a thousand dollars in addition to being promote to the next round.  Tense music played in the background to add to the mounting suspense.  Colored lights flashed wildly above us, temporarily blinding me. 
    Gavin looked at me.  “I have decided that for this week you are…”
    I waited, my heart pounding in my chest. 
    Gasps sounded amongst the live studio audience and even some of the other contestants I was competing against.  I blinked.  “What?”
    “You are neither safe nor off the show,” Gavin explained.  “You get no bonus prize money this week.  You’re in jeopardy.  Consider yourself on probation.  If you impress me enough next week I just may keep you around.  But if all you’re good for is one liners and eye candy, then watch out!”
    I stared at him blankly as the reality show host interrupted and informed us we were out of time.  As the show’s theme music blasted and the audience applauded enthusiastically, I felt my heart sink.  When Gavin walked offstage I followed him.  It was as though my body had a mind of its own and my brain was no longer able to give it commands.
    “Look,” I said once I had Gavin cornered.  “I know to you this is just a show, but this is my life on the line here.  I’ve scrimped and saved to be able to afford to be in this competition.  It’s like having a full-time job and with no income coming in my budget is down to nothing.  Can you please just tell me if you’re planning to get rid of me next week?  If you are, I really need to find a job, like… yesterday .”
    He chuckled.  “If I had a dollar for every contestant that’s given me a sob story…”
    “It’s not a sob story!” I interrupted, feeling insulted that he’d take it that way.  “I’m not asking you for anything.  I’m not begging you to keep me on the show.  I just want to know what to expect.  That dick move you pulled out there tonight wasn’t in the cards.”
    He burst out laughing.  “Oh, so now it’s a dick move, is it?  You do have a way with words, Mina.”  He looked at me then, and I mean really looked at me.  “Are those colored contact lenses or are your eyes really that blue?”
    “What does that have to do with anything?” I snapped.  He was still playing games with me and it was

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