His For The Night

His For The Night by Helen Cooper

Book: His For The Night by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
Tags: alpha male, Erotic Romance
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Chapter 1
    “ I’m coming to Vegas after
all.” Holly sighed into the phone. “I need to get
    “ Are you okay?” Lacey asked
in concern. “Lewis was just saying that this wouldn’t be a fun
weekend without you. But we thought you guys couldn’t make
    “ Well, Josh just dumped me
and I’m coming.”
    “ Oh, Holly, are you okay?”
Lacey’s voice was anxious. “I thought you said he was going
propose?” She whispered.
    “ I was wrong.” Holly
sighed. “It was horrible, Lacey. He called me boring, and he told
me that his life had never been so dull.”
    “ He what?” Lacey shouted.
“Let me call him please. I want to tell him where he can shove
    “ Lacey.” Holly’s voice was
exasperated. “Not now. I just can’t believe that he dumped
    “ I mean, if I’m honest,
I’ve never liked him.” Lacey spoke softly as if she feared
upsetting Holly even more. “It’s time to move on.”
    “ What a waste of a year.”
Holly sighed. “And now my new boss is mad at me as
    “ What? Why?”
    “ I was late for work, and
he emailed me and told me not to bother coming in
    “ Oh no, he
    “ Oh yes he did. He sounds
like a jerk as well. This week cannot get any worse. My boyfriend
dumped me, and my boss hates me, already. Yay.” Holly jumped up as
she talked. “I’m packing my bag, and I’m going to drive down
    “ Awesome. Tonight we can
party and get drunk like we did in college.”
    “ I think I’m too old to get
as drunk as I did in college.” Holly laughed.
    “ Holly, we’re only 25. That
is not too old.”
    “ Well, I sure feel
    “ You’re just depressed.
Forget Josh, he was a loser. I figure I can say that now, right?”
Lacey paused hesitating. “And your new boss travels a lot, right?
So it doesn’t matter if he’s a jerk. You’ll barely ever see
    “ I know, but this wasn’t
really a great way to start a working relationship. I’ve never even
met him. He’s going to think his human resources department made a
    “ Girl, you had like 3
interviews with all the exec’s at that place, right? If he wanted
to make the decision, he should have interviewed you
    “ He was in London, working
on some merger.” Holly laughed. “A merger that brought in an extra
billion dollars in revenue. I don’t think interviewing me was a
    “ A billion dollars--wow.”
Lacey exclaimed. “Maybe see if he wants to come to Vegas as well?”
She laughed. “Seriously though, Holly, you’re the best at what you
do, everyone knows that. Have fun this weekend, and then show up on
Monday, and be like wazzup.”
    “ Lacey, I don’t even know
what he looks like. And from what I can tell, he’s not the sort of
guy that would be hanging out in Vegas.” Holly laughed, shaking her
head. “I am 100% certain that if I showed up at work on Monday and
said “Wazzup” to my boss, the CEO of Giovanni Enterprises, I would
be fired on the spot.”
    “ He’ll take one look at you
and fall in love. He won’t even hear what you said.” She
    “ I’d rather not take that
risk and keep my job.” Holly gasped as she looked at the time. “But
hey, I’ve got to pack and get on the road before the traffic gets
    “ Oh, you’re driving? I wish
you would have just come up with us.”
    “ Well, I thought I was
going to be working today and this weekend…” Holly sighed
    “ Cheer up, Hols, it’ll be
okay.” Lacey tried to cheer her best friend up. “I’ll text you our
hotel information in a few.”
    “ Okay, I’ll talk to you
later. Bye.” Holly hung up her phone and grabbed her bag. As she
did, a plastic bag from Victoria’s Secret fell to the floor, and
she sighed. She had bought some sexy underwear and lingerie for
Josh in an attempt to spice up their lack-luster sex life, but she
had never gotten the chance to wear it. She threw it onto her bed

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