Highway to Heaven
slam into her. Once
Tami was settled back in to that deep blackness that guarded her
from reality, Shea went on.
    “One day, Chrissy got lucky. The guard came
at her with a knife, and somehow she managed to lunge into it. It
stabbed through her chest. She didn’t make it through the night.”
Shea got quiet. In a gargled whisper, she added, “They left the
body in her cage for two weeks. By the time they finally got around
to getting her, the smell was so bad and she was so far decomposed,
it was in pieces.”
    Sadie didn’t know how to react. The vile burn
of vomit rose in her throat. She swallowed it down hard, but it
made her sick all over. She shivered, and leaned closer to the bars
toward Shea. “People like this…shouldn’t exist…they make monsters
look good. We fear the dark, and things that go bump in the night.
What we don’t know is that it’s people like these in that dark and
making those bumps, not monsters.” She felt the sting of tears well
in her eyes. There was no doubt she’d be next to be taken back to
wherever it was that they broke and scarred all of the girls, and
fear shook her. No. She couldn’t let them. She had to get out of
here before they had a chance, or a chance to get ahold of one of
the other girls.

Chapter Ten
    Raven pulled into the parking lot, his
adrenaline amped and pumping. He didn’t wait to come to a complete
stop before he had his feet down and was kicking the stand down and
killing the engine. He took off in a run toward Tonto’s room,
yanking his helmet off as he went. He busted open the door and ran
in, his eyes roaming the room. The girls were all sitting at the
computers with Tonto and the others standing on the far end,
working the cameras. The remote cameras could be turned and zoomed
in or out, giving them a wide berth of surveillance.
    They all turned to look at his abrupt entry.
His eyes fell immediately to Heaven and he froze. The urgency that
had him running, which, Raven did not run, had evaded him. Her big
beautiful fuck-me eyes met his and widened, her cheeks flushing a
rosy pink before her brows drew together and a scowl folded into
her beautiful features. Those plump lips that he was imagining
wrapped around his cock thinned in a tight line, her arms crossing
her chest. As much as he would love to spank her little ass until
she smiled and begged for more, he remembered what the urgency was
and turned back to Tonto.
    “Prez, got news.” Tonto’s eyes widened, his
stance going rigid.
    “What’d you find?”
    “Drove down to where Reyes’ known compound
was. Everyone was wrong. He has been there. He just has another way
in and out. There’s a tunnel, coming in on the backside of his
property. Cars come in and out, right into the parking garage that
leads to his house. He’s been fucking right under our nose!”
    “These fuckin’ rats and their tunnels. It’s a
pretty fair bet that tunnel leads to the house the girls are at.
Which also means there is more to that shitty house than what we
see. Okay, tonight we move. We need to see if that’s the only entry
point on his property, and follow it through. It’s gonna get hot. I
want everyone loaded down fully armed.”
    Shady, Heaven, Abi, and Sahara all stood from
their stations, their spines rigid and ready. “What time we rolling
out?” Shady asked, her shoulders squaring in an offensive posture,
ready to argue if he so much as thought about telling her the girls
weren’t going. They hadn’t rode all the way down here just to sit
and watch monitors.
    “Shady—” Sandman started but stopped when
Tonto held up a hand.
    “I need one person on the monitors. The rest
of us will ride out late. I figure if we can wait them out, find an
opportunity and stay together. If we run into trouble that we can’t
handle, we can scatter and meet back here when it’s safe.
Otherwise, we take out as many of those sonofabitches as we
    “Who do you want to stay back?” Heaven

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