Highway To Armageddon

Highway To Armageddon by Harold Bloemer

Book: Highway To Armageddon by Harold Bloemer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harold Bloemer
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she lags half a step behind.
When I reach the door I knock ten times. (According to Al that’s the secret
knock.) I hear nothing but the dull clang of my knuckles against rusted iron.
After that, silence.
Boom Boom and I wait for about a minute, but no one answers the door.
Boom Boom sighs irritably. “Al gave us the wrong address. What a waste of
“Oh well,” I say, stepping back from the door. “I guess we can go after Maxine
Irving, the chick who killed those two cops in Cleveland. We at least have a
decent idea of where she might be hiding.”
“But her bounty is only $50,000,” Boom Boom points out. “We’ll blow through
that money in no time.”
I’m about to say something when I’m interrupted by a creaking sound. I spin
around to find a small rectangular peephole near the center of the door. I
didn’t notice it before, so someone must have just opened it. I lean closer to
get a better look and immediately jump back when a pair of sunglasses appears.
The man wearing the shades gruffly barks, “What’s the password? And hurry up
with it if ya don’t wanna get shot.”
A gun clicks from behind the door. My mind draws a blank. Al told us the
password, but I can’t for the life of me remember it.
Thankfully Boom Boom is a bit more clear-headed than I am. She calmly says,
“The password is Klaxton is a dirty whore . Now let us in, jackass. I
wanna see Sasquatch beat the crap out of Abyss.”
I smirk at Boom Boom’s amazing acting. She even bothered to learn the names of
the steel cage fighters, something I didn’t think to do.
I’m not the only one impressed, either. The guy behind the iron door chuckles
and says, “You’re a woman after my own heart. Just a second, sweetheart.”
The slab to the peephole slams shut. I hear the clinking and clanging of locks
being unlatched, then the creaky iron door slowly opens. Two large, muscular
men in black suits step out with large pistols. They both have shades on, and
scars crisscross their rugged faces. They’ve definitely earned their pay as
security guards.
The guards proceed to pat us down. One of the douche bags rubs his hands up and
down my legs while the other swings his gun back and forth between me and Boom
Boom. After he’s done with me he moves on to her.
Boom Boom slaps the guard’s hand. “I think you’re doing molesting me.”
The guard turns to me and says, “You got a real firecracker on your hands,
If he only knew.
The guard reaches for Boom Boom’s goggles. She grabs his wrist and snarls, “Lay
off the merchandise, buddy.”
The guard yanks his arm out of Boom Boom’s grasp. “It’s just protocol, ma’am.
We wanna make sure these aren’t those fancy goggles that record stuff.”
“We like to keep our glasses on,” Boom Boom says, opening the large burlap sack
she’s carrying. “We have a lengthy rap sheet. We don’t want to be… recognized…
if you know what I mean.”
“A lot of people here have rap sheets,” the guard says, cocking his head as
Boom Boom dips her hand into the sack. “So, uh, what’s in the bag?”
Boom Boom pulls out her hand and opens it palm-up, revealing five gold coins.
Boom Boom tilts her head, allowing her shades to slide down her nose. Her bright,
green eyes peer over the top of the shades, sparkling in the moonlight.
“How about a little bribe to expedite the process?”
The guards exchange smiles and aim

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