Hiding Out

Hiding Out by Nicole Andrews Moore

Book: Hiding Out by Nicole Andrews Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore
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as he passed.  She chose him.  That had to count for something.

Chapter Four
    “So how are things going?”  Dr. Erikson asked Sam the day before Employee Appreciation Day. 
    Sam had marched in, an indication that he came with a purpose.  And he had.  “It’s strange,” he remarked quietly.  “Ever since I’ve known her it’s been two steps forward one back.”  He stared at Dr. Erikson, waiting to hear that this was normal or at least to be expected.  He wasn’t disappointed.
    “Naturally,” the doctor responded.  “And how do you feel about that?”
    Rolling his eyes, Sam said slowly, “I don’t mind, really.”  He saw Erikson’s eyebrows arch in surprise.  “I know.  No one is more shocked by this revelation than I am.”  He sighed.  “She’s worth it.  Being with her is worth it.”  He gazed out the window as though searching for the right words to express his feelings.  “When we get it right, it’s so perfect.”
    Wandering back to his office, Sam noticed how his heart quickened as he prepared to open the outer door.  Anticipation of seeing Haley, even in one of her humungous dresses, had him excited.  She raised her head and smiled at him as he entered.  “You’re back.  Want some help getting everything together for our afternoon meeting?” 
    “I would love some help,” he said honestly.  They had boxes and bags of supplies to carry down to the cafeteria, the only venue large enough to accommodate the entire staff.  As they loaded the carts he managed to commandeer from the janitorial staff, he asked, “Heard anything from your coworkers?”
    Haley chuckled.  “They have no idea what a treat they are in for.  Today, when I popped in to grab a soda from the break room, they were all griping about a meeting the day before the day before a long weekend.  You know they are just biding their time right now, don’t you?”
    Smiling warmly and excited about the surprise they were about to reveal, Sam said, “I can’t wait.”  He gazed at her wistfully.  “This is all because of you, you know.”
    She grimaced.  “Please.  You made it happen.”
    They were quite the pair, a mutual admiration society.  And working together, they had the room set up in thirty minutes.  Moments later, employees began trickling in.  Haley watched with joy as their eyes widened.
    “Sit anywhere,” Sam commanded as they entered.  After close to ten minutes, everyone was seated.  “So, I’m sure you are wondering what kind of ogre would call a meeting this close to a long weekend.”  He was greeted with some chuckles.  “Take a moment to peek in your gift bags.”  He hoisted one in the air.  “As you well know, Monday, the day you are all looking forward to, is Labor Day.”  A few cheers sounded.  “In your bag each of you has a wooden picture cube organizer for your desk.”  Murmurs of approval came mostly from the women.  “A key pass for our gym.  Now everyone can work out here, whether before, during, or after work.”  The men were nudging each other and nodding.  “And finally, and most importantly, you will find your attire for tomorrow.”  Sam pulled out a t-shirt.  On the front was the company logo, but on the back, the writing said, ‘1Annual Employee Appreciation Day.’  “This, of course, implies that there will be many more to come.”  Murmurs of wonder greet him.  “So, let me introduce my personal assistant, the mother of Employee Appreciation Day, Haley Iverson.” 
    Haley blushed as she stood before the room.  She had not expected to speak this afternoon.  “Hello.  I know you don’t

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