Hidden Threat

Hidden Threat by Sherri Hayes

Book: Hidden Threat by Sherri Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri Hayes
to his chest. Her lips were so full and soft under his. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, he worried it with his teeth. She brought her hands up to cup his head and moaned into his mouth.
    He needed to taste her.
    Letting her bottom lip go with a slight pop, he used his tongue to follow the outline of her lips, teasing, begging. She opened to him, and he sighed as his tongue ventured inside. She tasted wonderful, just as he knew she would. Her tongue met his and a battle began. Cali’s responsiveness thrilled him.
    Needing to feel her too, his hands came between them and released the button of her jacket. Breaking their kiss, he looked down. There was nothing between him and her skin except a black lace bra. His fingers move inside her jacket and up her sides until they were on either side of her breasts. Thumbs moving to caress her nipples, his breath caught as she arched into his hands. Her hips pressed into him, and he knew she could feel him hard against her stomach.
    Wanting to feel the softness of her breast in his mouth, he bent down and pushed away the thin lace. She gasped as his lips circled her nipple and he sucked. Her hips ground into him, causing a moan of his own to escape. He wanted her. He wanted her here. Now.
    Releasing her nipple, he flipped their position and leaned her back against his desk. She didn’t resist, and he ran his hands up her legs until he found the thin piece of material separating him from what he was seeking. Hooking his thumbs at the sides, he swiftly removed the lace panties and tossed them out of the way.
    Spreading her legs, he quickly relieved himself of his pants and settled between the legs of the welcoming woman before him.
    Pressing into her heat, he couldn’t remember a time when he felt better. He bent down and placed a kiss on her mouth as he started to move. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him tighter. Her breath came faster, and she began to moan, sending him into a torment of need.
    Just as he began to picked up speed and bring them both to a release, his intercom began beeping. He tried to ignore it, but whoever was on the other end was persistent. Reaching over, he tried to hit the intercom button, but it just kept beeping at him.
    Matthew’s eyes flew open. The beeping was his alarm clock, not his intercom.
    Matthew’s head flopped back against his pillows. What was wrong with him? He hadn’t reacted like this to a dream or a girl, for that matter, since high school.
    Deciding the last thing he needed to do was continue to lie in bed and think of Cali Stanton. He pushed the sheet away and got up. It looked like the extra workouts weren’t working. He’d have to think of something else and fast. This was getting out of hand.

    Cali had totally forgotten about the letters until she walked into the office and saw her desk. She still had no idea where they’d come from or who had sent them. By nine o’clock, she was no closer to getting any answers.
    Opening her briefcase, she placed them at the bottom of her bag for later consideration when she had more time. For now, she had a board meeting. After that, an hour to catch up on the stack that seemed to have grown overnight, and then she was off to a working lunch with Peter Carson.
    Cali groaned at the thought of spending her lunch hour and beyond going over financials. It seemed the trouble Stanton Enterprises had experienced over the last two years made tracking every penny a necessity. So, her father had taken to meeting with his CFO at least once a week, which was now her responsibility.
    Grabbing her jacket and a fresh cup of coffee, Cali left for the boardroom. Most of the board members were already there and greeted her warmly when she arrived. At nine o’clock sharp, the meeting was called to order. Everyone took their seats and got down to business.

    At four o’clock, a defeated Matthew gave a sharp knock on the door to his brother’s office before entering. Jason was on the phone,

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