Hidden Sins

Hidden Sins by Karice Bolton

Book: Hidden Sins by Karice Bolton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karice Bolton
phone on the seat just as it rang.
    “Hello?” I asked, as I pressed the speakerphone on.
    “Hey, it’s Emily. Have you left yet?” she asked.
    “No. Just got in my car.”
    “Sweet. My friend’s home and would love to meet you. I’ll be right out.”
    And before I had a chance to respond she’d hung up.
    The front door exploded open, and Emily looked around the parking lot, trying to find me. I jumped out of the car and waved. She waved back at me and glanced at the car as she walked over. I knew it looked like hell. Actually, it looked like whoever owned it was a horrible driver. Not exactly the appearance I wanted to give.
    “I’m borrowing it,” I offered. “My truck’s on the fritz.”
    “So I don’t have to panic at your lack of defensive driving skills?” she laughed.
    “Nope. I promise.”
    “Well, let’s take mine anyway. She’s just a few blocks away, but we might as well drive.”
    Things were really starting to look up. I might actually be able to make it to my job if I couldn’t fix my truck.
    I locked the car door and followed Emily to hers, which was an adorable, white Mini Cooper.
    “I can see why you wanted to drive,” I said, grinning.
    “Nothing personal,” she laughed, opening her door.
    I climbed in as she adjusted the volume on her radio. “Sorry. I love blaring my music.”
    I smelled the new car scent and closed my door, buckling in tight.
    “You could probably even walk to work, until you get your truck fixed.” She pulled out of the parking lot and made a left toward the water when it occurred to me that I probably couldn’t afford wherever it was we were heading.
    “I can’t believe I didn’t ask this, but what’s the rent?”
    “You’ll be fine,” she said, tapping my leg. “I don’t actually know what she’s charging, but it’s not for the money. She just hates being alone in the overly large place her brother bought her.”
    “Must be a nice brother,” I laughed.
    “He is extremely generous to his sister, but she’s all he’s got. And vice versa. But nice? I’m not sure I’d say that about him. He’s a hard one to figure out. He owns a piece of the club and rarely sets foot in it. Whenever I’ve tried to say hello, he’d barely even grunt let alone smile. His sister said he hates the place so I’m not sure why he has any money invested, but he’s hot as hell.” She grinned.
    Emily turned down a street that brought the beach into view, and the homes peppered along the way were gorgeous and enormous. There was absolutely no way I’d be able to afford a closet, let alone an entire bedroom here. She pulled in front of a grey, three level home that sat on the corner with decks wrapped around each level.
    “There’s Mia,” Emily said, pointing to the top deck where I spotted a woman hopping up and down waving at us. “She’s adorable.”
    Emily opened the car door as Mia ran off the deck and out of sight. I got out and followed Emily up the stairs to the front door. There were flowers everywhere I looked. Roses in every color imaginable lined the staircase and tiny trimmed boxwood framed the steps. Hanging baskets filled with red geraniums and white petunias hung by the door.
    “Mia must really have a green thumb,” I laughed as we reached the top stair.
    “I think her gardener has the green thumb.”
    Of course! What was I thinking?
    The front door flew open and Mia gave Emily a big hug, her eyes closing before she let go. Her green eyes landed on me and her smile grew. “You must be Hannah. Come in, guys. Let me show you around. It’s far too big for me, and I really just spend my time on the decks. It’s actually an embarrassment, really. But whatever. I have stopped trying to convince my brother of anything. Emily told you this place wasn’t my idea, right?” she laughed, closing the doors as we stepped into the foyer.
    The windows surrounding the entire space let an amazing amount of light in, which made Mia’s eyes even greener.

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