Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2)

Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2) by Isabella Brooke

Book: Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2) by Isabella Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Brooke
enjoyed the drive down. The sat nav took them with
confidence to the hotel and he was heartened to see her face light up as the
valet took the Range Rover from them, and another man in livery carried their
bags up the wide, sweeping stairs.
    "Turner," she hissed as they were ushered through
the glass doors into a gold and marble lobby, "How can you afford
    "Let me worry about that. Business is good. And you're
worth it. Don't fight it, please, Emily. Let's make this special."
    "Hey." He slid his left arm around her waist,
hugging her, wanting to reassure her. "It's not like I'm going to do this
every weekend."
    Something like her usual fire made her smile and she said,
sideway to him, "Oh, damn, so I'm not supposed to get used to it,
    "Nope. Next week, we'll be back in a tent eating cold
beans out of a can."
    "Delightful. Okay. I'll try to make the most of
    "Excellent." He spun her to face him. He didn't
care who was watching. He planted a slow, sensual kiss on her lips, tasting the
stickiness of her lipstick. He pulled away and was pleased to see that she
seemed more relaxed. "Emily. Thank you."
    He led her to the reception desk and the check-in process
was swift and efficient. Soon they were in a handsome suite and Turner tipped
the man who brought the bags up while Emily rummaged through the bathroom and
the main room, squealing with laughter at her discoveries.
     "What's the big deal?"
    Emily popped her head out of the bathroom. "Proper
smellies!" she announced.
    "What's proper about them? Where have you stayed that
had improper smellies?"
    "Just… oh, everything. Wow. Just, wow."
    "Come on, you're going to make yourself sick like an
overexcited child. Do I have to leave you here while I go to the restaurant on
my own?"
    She emerged, smiling from ear to ear, looking so radiant
that he could have scooped her up and thrown her onto the bed right there and
then. "No. I'm all perked up. Let's go!"
    He felt like he was ten feet tall as he led her the short
way to the exclusive restaurant and they were shown to a discreet table. He
wondered if all eyes were upon them. They should have been. Emily was a sight
worth appreciating and he felt immensely proud to have her with him.
    They ate food that he could barely pronounce and drank a
bottle of wine that cost more than a crate-full from their local off-licence.
She was relaxed and happy and that made Turner relaxed and happy, too.
    "Oh god," she said, pushing away the last of her
liquor-soaked pudding. "I think I've drunk too much, you know. That's
strong stuff." She poured herself a glass of water with an unsteady hand.
    "I'm feeling pleasantly muzzy myself. It's a mild
night. Shall we walk the long way back to the hotel?"
    "Through London?"
    "I don't think it's any worse than Manchester on a
Friday night. I was on Google Maps earlier. I reckon we can go along the
Thames. You don't see the floating turds as much when it's dark."
    "You make it sound fantastic."
    "Yeah. Coffees?"
    "No, not for me. I do think I need a walk." She
giggled then frowned, a sure sign of gradually creeping drunkenness. The wine
had been a slow burn but Turner could feel it taking hold of him, too. It
started with his legs, making them slightly limp.
    They lurched and giggled their way out of the restaurant
after paying, and the cool night air was a welcome change. Emily nestled
herself right up close to Turner, making it difficult for him to walk straight. Well, more difficult than it already is, with this wine in me.
    "Have you had a good time so far?" he asked as
they strolled along the banks of the river, assailed on all sides by statues,
amazing views, and lovers just like themselves.
    "Yes, thank you. It's just amazing." She hiccupped
as she stumbled along.
    "Better than last week, then."
    "Hush. It was okay."
    Turner stopped and planted an uncoordinated kiss on her
lips. He could feel the alcohol making him unsteady, but it also meant he
didn't care. "You're so nice,"

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