HH02 - A Reclusive Heart
up her neck. It made him wonder if she blushed
    during sex. Before the thought left his mind he was shifting her again and trying not to notice how warm and soft her ass was.
    Hell, he really needed to get laid.
    "Getting comfortable in our seat. Why?" he asked as he closed his eyes and settled in for the ride.
    She shifted again, but didn't say anything and neither did the guy next to him. He really didn't expect to fall asleep so when
    he was suddenly jolted awake when the train came to a stop he was surprised. He was even more surprised to find his little
    recluse fast asleep in his arms. She was curled up quite nicely in his arms with her head resting on his shoulder.
    "Lucky bastard," the guy next to him muttered as he stood up and squeezed past him.
    Ignoring him and how good Jamie felt in his arms he gently shook her awake. When she mumbled something and tried to
    turn over in his arms he gave her another shake that thankfully did the trick. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at him sleepily
    for a moment before she blinked. He watched in fascination as her eyes widened almost comically a split second before she
    bolted from his lap.
    As much as he hated to admit this, she'd felt damn good in his arms and he didn't like that one goddamn bit. He was a man
    who liked his space and didn't need a damn thing from anyone. Sex didn't count. That was just a way to work out stress and get
    off. He sure as hell didn't hold any of the women after he had sex with them.
    If a woman entertained him in bed he'd consider her for a second bout of sex, but nothing more than that. Then again if
    she'd been too needy, brought any drama to the bed or displeased him in any way he was out the door before she was done
    screaming his name. He liked his sex bullshit free and without all that relationship crap.
    Some women got a little pissed and irritated about his view on sex, but he didn't care. If they even hinted at any drama he
    lost interest and moved on to the next woman. He liked to deal with women who knew the score before he fucked them. There
    was no future with him and he made damn sure that they all knew it.

"What do you want to do after this?" Nick asked as he looked over some papers the bookstore manager gave him.
    "Um," she said, clearing her throat and trying not to appear nervous, "I was thinking about looking around the mall for a
    He frowned at that, but didn't bother looking up from the paperwork. "I told you I'd find one for you."
    She stopped herself from pointing out that he'd promised to do that a few weeks ago, but she knew with their busy
    schedule and her List that he hadn't had much time to look around. Well, tonight she planned on rectifying that. Not only did she
    need her own computer to work, but she also needed it to-
    "What's with the sudden rush?" he asked, still reading.
    To watch porn, she almost blurted out but somehow held it back. Tonight for the first time ever she was going to watch
    porn. She'd never seen it before, always avoided it, but tonight she was going to watch one and take notes. Admittedly she was
    It wasn't as though she was completely oblivious to the act. She read romance novels and saw love scenes in movies so
    she felt that she had a pretty good knowledge base of the act, but she'd never actually seen the real act, but tonight she would.
    She'd pay attention, learn what men liked and what she could expect when it came time to have sex. She might be a virgin, but
    that didn't mean she wanted the first guy she slept with to know that. It was her business.
    Granted she'd didn't necessarily need to shell out a lot of money to watch a porn, but she didn't want to use Nick's
    computer in case it left evidence behind and she sure as heck didn't want to have to order one of those movies she'd seen
    advertised in some of the hotels and have anyone find out that she was doing this. She also didn't understand why anyone would
    pay thirty bucks to watch a movie.

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