Hesitant Heart
that practice and neither does Saul or many other members of the club. But since there aren’t any universal rules, there’s not much that can be done. Our lifestyle is kept hidden in the shadows, so it’s difficult to govern, although the Hampton Road Club is one of the best places I’ve ever patronized.”
    “It’s very interesting. There are so many things I never knew about before.” Sam thought that Aaron might have forgotten what he’d started to say before. “So, if it’s okay, Sir, what was it that you were wondering?”
    “Ah, of course. Well, for someone as fresh to this way of life as you are, I’m thinking regular discipline might be a very good place to start. I’ve never had the opportunity to use it before, since I haven’t had a steady submissive. However, I’ve heard other adherents speak of it highly.”
    Sam worked very hard not to appear nervous. “What does that mean?”
    “To begin with, let’s establish a daily routine. We’ll set up a morning ritual that will include your daily discipline and we can also use that time to reconnect before we begin our day. Then I’ll lay out what is expected of you for the day and that’s all you’ll need to focus on. Everything else will be handled by me.”
    Sam must have still looked confused.
    “How about we begin, then it will become more clear.”
    “Okay, Sir.”
    Even though he knew it would take a while for him to absorb the more confusing aspects of his relationship with Aaron, he was already experiencing a deeper calm than he’d ever known before.
    Aaron guided him through their morning. As they completed the basics of grooming and breakfast, Sam couldn’t help but get distracted by his own needy cock and the sight of Aaron’s swaying erection, his full sac hanging low. He swallowed, his gaze continuously drawn to the flush of arousal evident on Aaron’s skin.
    After they’d cleared and washed the dishes, Aaron beckoned Sam to the bedroom.
    “Stand here in the middle of the rug.”
    Sam did as he was told. Aaron manipulated his body by placing a hand on his abdomen then another on his upper back. He pushed against Sam’s body at the same time.
    “Stand up as straight as you can. There, like that. Keep your shoulders back, chin up. Good boy.”
    The praise warmed Sam from the inside.
    “Clasp your wrists behind your back. Let them rest above your buttocks. Keep your elbows even and don’t forget to keep your posture straight. Face forward then lower your eyes without dipping your chin.”
    Once Sam achieved the position Aaron desired, he knew his cock would be lewdly on display.
    “From now on, every morning once we’ve finished breakfast, you will assume this stance in the exact same spot until I come in to inspect you. I may follow you in, or I may do something else first. Regardless, you are to be here in the correct position when I enter the room. Failure to accomplish this will result in a punishment. Is that clear?”
    Sam inhaled deeply. “Yes, Sir.”
    “Very good. Now stay still.”
    Sam almost asked Aaron whether they were done until he remembered that it wasn’t his place to ask about those things. It was Aaron’s job to handle everything, to direct Sam so he didn’t have to think about it. All he had to do was let Aaron take charge.
    He heard Aaron move around the room, but he refused to look up. He wouldn’t fail his very first, real assignment. It wasn’t easy remaining in place. He wanted to fidget, to chew. The fight to keep from moving made him think about nothing but wanting to move. Even though he was merely standing, not doing anything that required any physical strength, sweat broke out on his forehead. He was going to disappoint Aaron. Before he could stop himself, he whimpered.
    He startled, but didn’t break his stance. The gentle voice had been right next to his ear. He’d been so focused on remaining still, he hadn’t even realized Aaron was close.
    “Tell me what’s

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