He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
business with.”
    “Business is business. And he was prepared to come here to sign the deal. But, I am now having some doubts over selling.”
    “Why? You decided on this weeks ago.”
    “Because, if we do have to split our time between here and New York, I’m sure you could manage it.”
    “Alex I have no desire to manage a hotel of that size, you know this. It needs a manager dedicated to it fulltime. We’ve already spoke about this. And if we need to spend time in the states, we will work something out. I could just take you up on the offer of coming into work with you.” I tease him.
    “Not sure how much work, I would get done with my beautiful wife as a distraction.” I smile at his words, because I have to agree with him. “I know you’re right, I suppose I just needed to hear it again. Okay, then the deal will be signed tomorrow and it will be off my hands.”
    “Can I ask a question?” He nods. “How long is James booked into the hotel?”
    “Two nights. I have his return flight details in an email. Why?”
    “Just making sure I stay away from hotel whilst he is there.”
    “You don’t need to worry about him.”
    “I’m more worried about the two of you,” I tell him. It’s true, not sure how I feel about these two in the same room again.
    “I have tickets for tonight,” Alex says, with a quick change of subject.
    “Anywhere I would know?”
    “Blaze, have you heard of it?”
    “Of course I’ve heard of it. It’s one of the top clubs in Glasgow. How did you manage to get tickets for there?”
    “I’m a man of many talents.” I can only smirk in response to that, thinking of the many talents I know of. Most of them are sexual. “Libby . . .”
    “What?” He shakes his head in response. “So how did you get tickets?”
    “Let’s just say, I’m mixing business with pleasure tonight.”
    “It’s on the market?” I ask the question I already know the answer to.
    “Yes it is. It might have the reputation of being one of the best clubs in Glasgow, but as far as the management and profitability go, there is room for improvement,” he tells me. “They approached me at the start of the week. I said I would look at the paperwork after the New Year. So tonight, I get to see just how busy it can be.”
    “Well I’m just looking forward to a fun night and letting my hair down. If I get drunk, no let me rephrase that when I get drunk, be sure to carry me up the stairs.”
    “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
    After we clean up the dishes from breakfast and the remaining few from last night, we head through to the living room. I smile looking at the balloons and fresh flowers that grace the room. A few hours relaxing on the couch is more than appealing, whilst the flat is quiet.
    I send Kirsty and Ethan both a text; Have tickets for Blaze tonite x
    Ethan; Perfect let me know what time to be at yours x
    Me; Will do x
    Me; Alex I will tell you later. Drinks at mine first.
    Kirsty; Sounds Brill. See you later x
    I settle in on the couch, curled in tight to Alex. His arm wraps around me, as he flicks through the channels on the TV. We settle for a movie, the choice was some cartoon movie, Dirty Dancing or Lethal Weapon. Guess who got their own way? Not that I’m opposed to Lethal Weapon, but Dirty Dancing makes me think of tonight.
    Of course me!
    I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this movie, I still love it. I know it’s not Alex’s cup of tea, but I did promise we could watch his after. I know he’s not watching it really, he’s spent most of it so far watching me. I can feel his eyes on me.
    “Libby, is there something wrong? I’ve watched you fiddle, as you would put it, with your ring, since the movie started?” he asks.
    “I didn’t realise. It’s going to take a bit of getting used to.”
    “Well you had better get used to it because it won’t be long until there is a band to match it.” I smile as I look at the diamond

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