shape a surfboard for them.
    All of this happened in just two weeks. That’s the summoning power of the Universe when you make a commitment to your dream, and the “privileges” that will rain down upon you when you follow your bliss.

If you have a dream, do not make a plan B. Will Smith said that if you have a plan B you’re going to end up at plan B. You need to be all in on plan A. All your love, all your faith, all your energy, all your determination.

You have a backup plan; you know that no matter what, if only my pinky works, I can still pull something off. But it’s not one you’re going to use. And if you start to focus on it, then it will become your plan.
    You can give yourself a reassuring safety net in your mind by knowing that no matter what happens you’ll be all right, but if you seriously create a plan B you risk that being the plan that your subconscious mind materializes. Give all of your attention and focus to plan A, and that will be what materializes!


You have to be undeterred and relentless in your pursuit of your dream.

Once I made a commitment the determination to make it succeed was born.

Not everybody has the same level of determination. When the obstacle shows up and the doubts start to creep in, not everybody has the same grit that drives them to stick to it. But the potential is there.
    When you tried to walk as a baby, you fell down hundreds of times. When you first tried to feed yourself, you put the food in your eye, on your cheek, and everywhere but your mouth. Learning how to talk was a long journey full of mistakes, but you never once considered giving up. Determination is part of your very nature. You have it within you, and you can find it again.

By real bootstrapping we managed to cobble together the cash to get the business going. But it’s tough. Banks won’t lend you money. No one is willing to take a risk on you if you’ve never done anything before. You just have to roll your sleeves up and find a way.
    If you have a burning desire for your dream, then you will have all the determination you need to make it a reality. There may be days when you feel a bit down, there may be days when you doubt yourself, or when you even feel you can’t do it, but your burning desire will carry you through those days. A burning desire within you is a powerful force that overrides any temporary feeling of wanting to give up, and provides you with a commitment and a determination that cuts through any difficulty you may encounter. When we were making The Secret film my burning desire and belief were so great that I never even thought about acquiring determination because my strong desire meant I was already filled with it.

I needed a credit card. I went to the bank, and they didn’t want to give me a credit card because I didn’t have a history, and my mother didn’t have a history. I said to the Wells Fargo bank manager in Beverly Hills, “If you do not help me, how will I build credit? Give me $500. I’m not asking you for $5 million. I will put $1,000 in the bank and you give me $500.” He didn’t want to. I said, “Listen, I’m going to set myself on fire in front of the bank.” So he gave me the $500 credit card. And I’m still a customer of Wells Fargo.
    Determination also arises out of your belief in yourself. When you believe in yourself you naturally have determination. Coaches and personal trainers have a positive impact on us because they continually tell us that we can be better, that we can do it, and they urge us on at every step. Their belief in us makes us believe we can achieve our dream, and when we believe, we have the determination to achieve anything. You can be your own coach! You can urge yourself on with positive self-talk; tell yourself you can do it, that you’ve triumphed in far tougher times, that you’ve got what it takes, that you

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