Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1

Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 by Kat Brewer

Book: Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 by Kat Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Brewer
others courage.” She kissed his cheek gently, and he inhaled her fragrance, suddenly grabbing her and crushing her to him.
    “Mika!” she squeaked, and he released her suddenly, embarrassed to have taken such a liberty uninvited.
    “You forget yourself,” she growled but softened her reproach with a smile, letting him know she was not truly angry. “I will punish you properly when I return,” she grinned at him, and Mika summoned a weak smile in return.
    She went to her clothing cabinet where she found Aidan putting clothing into a leather knapsack.
    “Give me a shirt to put under this vest, Aidan; I don’t want to burn on the ride.” He quickly pulled forth a soft long-sleeved shirt, unbuttoned her vest and helped her to redress. Cassie kissed him quickly on the cheek in thanks.
    She met the others in the lounge. Kai had packed a saddlebag with the food she would need. Arn and Taylyn stood holding her sword, a pair of long daggers, and a small knife. They silently armed her; all were still reeling with shock and fear for both their Mistress and for themselves. They knew their lives would forever change should she die on this mission.
    “Come now, banish these long faces and give me sweet smiles and kisses to remember you by until I see you again.” Slowly, one by one, they obediently smiled and kissed her. They followed their Lady out of the Palace to where her horse stood ready. A troop of armed warriors surrounded her mount, waiting impatiently for their chance to strike out against their foe.
    The Queen emerged from the Palace, garbed in attire similar to theirs, and it was then that Cassie noted her horse, which stood nearby.
    “Your Highness! Surely you do not intend to ride with us?” Cassie exclaimed.
    “Lady Cassandra, do not take that tone with me! The Queens of Erla have always accompanied their troops into battle!” Nera cried.
    “Forgive me, Your Highness. I meant no disrespect; I am only concerned about your safety. I would not have you hurt,” Cassie’s voice was low and urgent as she bowed before her liege.
    “Cassandra, I appreciate your concern, but this is my duty.” Nera’s tone had softened as she offered a small smile to Cassie.
    “Yes, Your Highness.” Cassie bowed low once more and then mounted her horse. “Thank you for him, by the way. He is beautiful,” she said as she patted the neck of her mount.
    Nera smiled again and mounted her own horse. She rode out in front of the warriors, Cassie and Kara took their places on either side of her, and they began their campaign side by side.
    Behind them, on the steps of the Palace, a large group of beautiful men stood silent, tears in their eyes as they watched their beloved Mistresses ride towards the enemy.

    The women rode hard throughout the remainder of the day. As dusk fell, Cassie called a halt, and they set up camp. Fires were started, food was cooked, and tents were pitched. Cassandra, Nera, and Kara shared a tent; Cassie insisted upon it as she intended to assure the Queen’s safety herself.  
    Cassie and Kara conferred to arrange guard duty coverage, assigning their warriors to two-hour stints throughout the night so everyone would be well-rested.  
    They ate and sat by the fire discussing their plans.
    “I think it would be best if we avoided any fighting at present. I don’t want to make them aware we are tracking them. Our injured warriors said they killed their attackers and disposed of the bodies. So, all that the Trevians now know is that some of their number have disappeared,” Kara stated.
    “I agree. We need to observe, gather information, and get back home as soon as possible,” Cassie said.
    Nera nodded her agreement and rose, stretching. “I am ready to sleep.”
    Kara and Cassie both got up, and they all went to their shared tent for a restless night’s sleep.
    In the morning, they struck out again.  
    Their pace slowed as they reached the outskirts of the invaded settlement, and when they were

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