
HerCreed-ARE-epub by JenniferKacey

Book: HerCreed-ARE-epub by JenniferKacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: JenniferKacey
yet, I see. Am I your first?”
    “If you’d done your homework you wouldn’t have to ask that question. But don’t worry. It’s not going to be that memorable.”
    Her voice.
    It didn’t even sound all that affected as Ashur continued to pump inside her.
    Her face fell to the side with her eyes still closed. And yes, it fell toward Creed. She hated that she’d lost. Hated it even more that she disappointed him.
    Wanting him to be the one between her thighs settled inside her chest, and her heart beat hard. Awareness raced inside her as if Creed had called to her.
    Unable to keep her gaze from him any longer, she forced her lids open. There he stood on the other side of the metal.
    She went from feeling violated to turned on in about two blinks.
    There he stood.
    His face? Unreadable.
    But his gaze. Affixed. To her. And nothing else.
    Some kind of emotion boiled within him as he watched her. Almost as if he wanted her.
    He grounded her, and she wanted to come. Not because she was being fucked. Not because Creed was watching, though she did like the dirty thrill in that. But because she wanted to give him her orgasms.
    They’d all belonged to him anyway, but he didn’t need to know that.
    Her pussy went slick and pins and needles tingled down her spine.
    An orgasm barreled toward her, but she couldn’t get there before Ashur jerked sporadically and pulled his dick out.
    “Oh, fuck.” He fisted his junk, or so she thought because she never looked away from Creed. She couldn’t. He’d drawn her in and held her captive from the very first hello.
    Warm cum splashed against her stomach. One shot over her head.
    Bile bubbled in her throat.
    An exhibitionist.
    She’d always thought she understood it.
    And when she was on the giving end of the fucking, she was just fine. But the taking?
    She shook her head, and Creed scowled even harder.
    He was so unreadable.
    She almost wanted to know what he was thinking.
    Without another word to Ashur, she pushed away and stood. Breaking the eye contact she’d held with Creed thrust her into an icy lake. Alone never felt so scary when faced with the uncertainty of the future. She snagged her boy shorts and stepped back into them. Approaching her corner, Meghan stepped up to her with a wet wash cloth and wiped her off.
    “Thanks,” she whispered as Meghan grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.
    Knowing she couldn’t avoid looking at him any longer, she faced Creed with an apology on her tongue.
    “Tell me you weren’t a virgin.”
    Her apology died a quick death as she tried to reorient herself to his question as he glared at Ashur. “Uh…what?”
    “A virgin. Someone who hasn’t had sex. Ever.” Creed’s voice. It made her shiver, especially when it was so harsh. Even when he was being a dick.
    She gave him the what-the-fuck face even though he still hadn’t made eye contact with her. “I know what a virgin is, Einstein.”
    “Then don’t make me ask you again. I need to know right now you weren’t a virgin.” If looks could kill, then Ashur would be a dead man.
    “I’m twenty-two.”
    His blue eyes pegged her and held her hostage. Fire and ice. She’d never understood the phrase before. Not until now. Not until Creed.
    “Which is still. Not. What. I. Want. To. Hear.”
    He crowded in on her, and she wanted to crawl into his arms. Onto his lap. She wanted him to hold her and fuck her and tell her he wasn’t disappointed in her, even though he had more than every right to be. “This is not a discussion I want to have out here.”
    Instead of verbally responding to her, he latched onto the back of her neck and marched her out of the stadium.
    “What about my things?”
    “Meghan will get them and take them to the locker room for you.” It wasn’t actual words that came out of his clenched jaw. Every syllable rolled together, and she chastised herself for not being able to think of much other than how good his hand felt on the back of her neck.

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