Her Troika (The Complete Story) (Dominion Trust Book 2)

Her Troika (The Complete Story) (Dominion Trust Book 2) by Trent Evans

Book: Her Troika (The Complete Story) (Dominion Trust Book 2) by Trent Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trent Evans
Tags: Erotic Romance
enjoying the show.”
    For her part, Breanna couldn’t take her eyes from it, even as the pulse pounded in her ears, her throat clicking. Part of her did picture herself in that poor girl’s place, only it was Derek’s long, thick cock sliding deep, taking her breath away as Kurt whispered promises, threats into her ear.
    There was a tug at her neck again. “Come on, Breanna,” Derek whispered. “I don’t know what else Maestro Perv here has in mind for us, but we might as well get this over with.”
    She noted Derek’s faint attempt at a smile that couldn’t quite hide the naked male lust she could see in his gaze. Though she could tell he tried not to look at the woman being taken within that stall, she didn’t miss the avid attention in his brown eyes as he turned, leading her further on by the demeaning, yet disturbingly arousing pull of the leash.
    They passed the final stall and the last of the men silently observing the festivities. Walking deeper into the cavernous barn, the sounds of the woman’s increasingly distressed moans fading as they moved further away. The space opened up into a large clear area, the floorboards giving way to bare, packed earth. The light was dimmer here, the air slightly cooler. Then she saw Lino, his back to them as he worked a hand-cranked winch, lowering a tangled harness of leather straps and fine, thin chain. A bright spot of light clearly illuminated the ground directly below the harness.
    Kurt cleared his throat, and Lino turned. His handsome Latin features warmed as he grinned, his eyes finding hers, the coldness normally within his gaze absent for once. “Ah, here we are. Good to see you again, fulana .”
    Kurt cocked a thumb toward Derek. “Well Lino, here’s the lucky man, my friend Derek York.”
    Lino extended his hand, the lean corded muscles of his forearm highlighted by the overhead light.
    “Nice to meet you,” Derek murmured, shaking the man’s hand. “I’m not sure why we’re here, so hopefully you can help us out with that.”
    Kurt chuckled, clapping a hand on Lino’s shoulder. “All yours.”
    Beaming at Derek, the Spaniard glanced at Kurt before his gaze alighted on Breanna. His hand beckoned her toward him. “Let’s have you up here, now. Arms up, fulana .”
    Oh no.

    Chapter Ten
    W atching Lino haul Breanna up by that chain was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. Every part of him wanted to grab her, protect her somehow, yet at the same time … he wanted to see this.
    “There, she is in a good place, yes?” Lino wound the chain around a hook in the nearby wall.
    Breanna stood up on her very toes, her height emphasized even more by the way her long form stretched its utmost toward the heavens, the light from above rendering the pleasing curves of her body in stark contrast. The straps of the harness clasped her body in an implacable grip, her ribs heaving against the cruel stricture. But that wasn’t all. Lino had forced a thick wooden bit between her teeth, the straps at each end of the bit tied off around the back of her head. Then once he’d bound her to his specifications, he’d pulled on that chain, stretching her tight.
    “This is the first thing you must do when you train.” Lino jabbed a finger at Breanna. “She must know that she has no choice but to obey. You bind her in body.” Lino tapped her temple, her eyes fluttering. “Then she will know it in mind, too.”
    Lino stood back, his arms crossed, and turned toward Breanna, observing. “Mr. Derek. Tell me what you see here. Go on.”
    Her beautiful body, stretched as it was drew his eye so strongly that he knew it was pointless to resist it. She’d put herself here, so it made no sense not to look her over. “I see a naked woman.” He glanced at Kurt. “A beautiful one.”
    Breanna’s cheeks pinkened above the straps holding the bit, and she closed her eyes a moment. Kurt’s grin relieved him.
    “No, this is not

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