Her Texan Temptation
know anything about border collies?”
    “Not a lot,” she admitted. “I know they’re smart. I heard somewhere that they’re the whiz kids of dog breeds.”
    Deke grabbed her hand and started tugging her toward the corral. “Lightning, Lady!” The dogs were already at their heels before he’d finished speaking.
    “Where are we going?” She tried to pull her hand free. His touch was doing crazy things to her insides. But he didn’t let her go until they were at the fence.
    “Watch,” he said, then he left her and led the two dogs inside the corral with the horses. “I’m gonna show you how much you’re gonna love these two.”
    Mary Beth knew that wouldn’t take much. She was already falling for the darling creatures and could just imagine how much company they’d be for her. But even without the monetary aspect, she really didn’t have the time or energy the two dogs would require, no matter how tempting they were to keep.
    As Deke entered the corral with the dogs, she stood at the fence, her eyes glued to the three of them. The horses began moving about from the sudden disruption. Deke called out to the dogs, who began moving about inside the corral. Within minutes Mary Beth was fascinated by watching the animals work.
    Using a series of spoken commands and hand signals, Lightning and Lady started working, herding the horses, bringing them together in the center of the corral. They took their job seriously, darting back and forth until the horses were herded together in short order. Then, at another command, they crouched low and guarded their prey.
    “They’re working dogs,” Deke called to Mary Beth. “They’ll herd just about anything, and they’re gonna help you herd your cattle.”
    Mary Beth was speechless. She’d heard of the ability ofherding dogs before, but she’d never seen one of them at work. Finding her voice, she said, “Oh, my! I can’t believe they can do that.” They were so smart. And absolutely adorable. And Deke was sweet to have brought them to her. She’d have to spend money on their food, but they’d be worth it ten times over by helping to herd the cattle.
    And would be a lot more dependable than a man.
    “You’ll have to be careful that they don’t work too hard,” Deke warned, looking at the sun, then back at her. “C’mon guys,” he called to the dogs, and slapped his hand against his thigh. Moving at what seemed like warp speed, they shot toward him, anxiously prancing around his legs. He gave both dogs a caress. “They love what they do, and sometimes they don’t know when to quit.”
    Deke exited the corral with the dogs and shut the gate. “The commands they know are easy enough to learn. I’ll teach you. They already know what their job is, so you won’t even have to tell them most of the time. You just need to know when and how to call them to you so they’ll learn that you’re in charge.” He looked expectantly at Mary Beth. “So, what do you think?”
    “I don’t know what to say. I mean, I can’t believe you did this.” Overwhelmed by his kindness, her throat tightened as she came up to him. She reached her hand out to touch him, then stopped herself, unwilling to trust her emotions.
    It had been a long time since anyone had shown her such kindness. She was torn between laughing and crying.
    He shrugged. “They needed a home on a ranch, and you needed some help. It seemed like a perfect match. They’ll be company for you, as well,” he added, as if to convince her. “You’re pretty isolated out here.”
    Mary Beth brushed a wisp of hair behind her ear as she stepped closer to him, telling herself not to read anythinginto his good deed. “It must’ve been out of your way to come here.”
    “I was headed to the next rodeo in Lubbock,” he said, as if it was on his way. He started for his truck, then turned and waited for her to join him before he began walking again. As if they’d received a command, the dogs followed along. “I

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