Her Only Son

Her Only Son by Shawna Platt

Book: Her Only Son by Shawna Platt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawna Platt
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as you don’t make any waves, your family will be fine. I have to do the same thing. Just get through this, Kinsey.”
    Kinsey nodded. “You’re right.” She stood and walked to Tessa’s sliding glass door. “I just have to take one step at a time.”
    Tessa walked up and stood beside her. “Have you had breakfast yet?”
    “No, I came straight here.”
    “Great! I’m starving, so let’s go hit the cafeteria and see what they’re offering this morning. I have nothing going on today, so after that, let’s just see where the day takes us.”
    “That sounds good. I need some distraction.”
    “Yes, you do, so let’s go find some.”
    Kinsey spent the day with Tessa hanging out in the park with the swimming pool. They talked about Tessa’s life in Texas and Kinsey filled her in on life in Chicago.
    Later that evening, Kinsey checked in with her mom to see how Brianna was doing. Her mom told her the tube was removed and Brianna was breathing on her own, so things were moving forward there. Kinsey wasn’t trying to be harsh, but she had a lot on her mind, so once again, she kept the conversation short.
    The next morning, Kinsey’s temperature was still elevated. She entered her information into the computer, knowing full well what was about to happen. When she talked to Tessa, she confirmed her thoughts.
    Tessa gave her a sympathetic look. “Don’t be surprised if you get a phone call by tomorrow.”
    Tessa was right. Sunday morning arrived and Kinsey received a call from a very excited Dr. Westcott, telling her to get in as soon as possible; it was time for her procedure.

Chapter Fourteen
    Kinsey tried to remember how to breathe as she walked to the doctor’s office. She knew this day would come, but she didn’t expect it so quickly. Part of her wanted to make a run for it, but the sensible side knew she would be putting her family at risk. The photograph of her sister stuck with her as she took those final steps into the clinic. She would do what she had to do to keep her loved ones safe.
    She checked in at the main reception desk and was immediately taken to a treatment room. Everything about the room intimidated her. The exam table loomed before her and the trays filled with medical equipment made her head spin. She placed her hands on the exam table and tried to steady herself. She took a few deep breaths. You can do this, Kinsey.
    She was still leaning on the table when the door opened and Dr. Westcott entered the room.
    “Good morning, Kinsey.”
    Her happy, bright attitude made Kinsey gringe, but she managed a light-hearted response. “Good morning, Dr. Westcott.”
    The doctor walked to a cupboard and pulled out a paper robe. She handed it to Kinsey. “This is an exciting day. How are you feeling?”
    Kinsey took the robe and placed it on the exam table. “Nervous.”
    Dr. Westcott smiled. “That’s normal, but I assure you there’s nothing to be nervous about. We’ve performed this procedure many times and we’re very good at what we do. I’m going to take your temperature again and draw a small amount of blood. We want to double check your hormone levels.”
    The doctor took Kinsey’s temperature and wrote it on her chart, then drew her blood.
    “I’ll go let Dr. Rayner know you’re here. He’ll explain the procedure beforehand. Go ahead and get changed and we’ll be back in a moment to get started.”
    “You don’t do the procedure?”
    “No, Dr. Brice Rayner actually does the procedure, but I’ll be here to assist and offer you any comfort needed during the procedure.” She placed a hand on Kinsey’s arm. “Everything will be fine, I promise. Dr. Rayner is the best in his field.”
    Kinsey nodded and reached for the stylish paper robe. Dr. Westcott wrote something in Kinsey’s file and left the room. She got undressed and wrapped the crinkly paper around her body. She placed her folded clothes on a chair in the corner and sat on the exam table. Her nerves were

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