Her Old-Fashioned Doctor

Her Old-Fashioned Doctor by Sue Lyndon

Book: Her Old-Fashioned Doctor by Sue Lyndon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon
confused and ashamed by your arousal right now, but I assure you this is normal for a natural submissive.”
    She processed his words, astounded that this was normal. Nothing about her interactions with John felt normal. From having dinner with him as a random stranger to willingly displaying herself on an examination table under his guidance. No, this wasn’t normal, but she couldn’t deny the tender feelings that combined with pure unbridled lust for John. She arched her bottom up to meet his hand as he caressed her bottom, even though those caresses would soon turn to firm spanks.
    “From now on, Melissa, if you do something to endanger your safety, such as distracting someone while they are driving as you did tonight, you will be punished severely. You were warned to stop, but you failed to obey my instructions, didn’t you?”
    “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”
    He shifted on the bed and brought one leg atop hers, and then he raised his hand and brought it down with a sharp slap to her upturned bottom.
    * * *
    Melissa squirmed and attempted to dodge his blows, but John tightened his hold on her and continued spanking her without missing a beat. It wasn’t long before her hands flew back to cover her backside, and he gathered her wrists at the small of her back, much to her frustration. She cried out as her butt turned a deep shade of red under his punishing smacks. The sweetness between her thighs peeked out with her struggles, but he pulled his gaze away and focused on chastising the naughty miss over his knee.
    He applied several particularly harsh slaps to her sit spot and moved lower to thrash her thighs. Pinkness bloomed under his hand and he continued on, returning his attention to her quivering cheeks.
    “Oh! Please, John! I’m sorry!” Her pleas rang out, interspersed with whimpers and the steady rhythm of thwacks he landed on her little backside.
    “You were naughty, Melissa,” he reminded her. “And you will be punished accordingly.”
    Pausing, he splayed her cheeks apart and spread moisture from her pussy over her bottom hole. She jerked on his lap and kicked her feet. “Wh-what are you doing?”
    His response was a push into her tightness. He filled up her tight passage with two fingers, pressing knuckle deep before withdrawing and thrusting into her all over again. “This is part of your punishment, Melissa. Naughty girls get fingers, plugs, and sometimes a cock in their ass too.”
    Steady plunges into her backside had her gasping and uttering promises to be good, but he chastised her little hole with quick, shallow thrusts until the moisture he’d spread atop her entrance dried up. He showed no mercy and gave her one last deep push before withdrawing and cupping her right cheek.
    “Please no more spanking! I’ve learned my lesson, sir!”
    “Yes, Melissa. More spanking. I will be the one to determine when you’ve learned your lesson, not you.”
    He spanked her until she ceased writhing on his lap. She sobbed into the covers and he rubbed her heated bottom. The lamplight danced across her smooth creamy skin and accentuated the golden streaks in her otherwise dark hair. He ran a hand through her silky locks and stroked her head, willing her to calm.
    “Shh, little girl. It’s over now, and all is forgiven.”
    A fresh sob broke loose and her shoulders heaved. John turned her over gently and got her situated in his lap, cradling her against his chest. She fit in his arms perfectly, as if she’d been created just for him. He grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and wiped the lingering tears from her eyes.
    “Are you sure you’re not still mad?” She sniffled and stared at his chest.
    He brought her gaze to his with a firm hand on her chin. “You were naughty, Melissa, and I was upset with you. But you’ve been punished, and I have no doubt you learned your lesson while I reddened your little bottom. I’m not mad at you, sweetheart. Trust me when I say you’re forgiven. Now

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