Her New Worst Enemy
    This was perfect. She could have her fill of him, then walk away at the end with no
     regrets and no messy ending.
    Despite turning her on more than she’d ever thought possible, Gideon was not the type
     of man she believed she’d settle down with. He was exactly what she needed right now
     to give her confidence a boost, to make her feel like an attractive woman again, but
     that’s all it would be. She knew him too well to expect anything more than that.
    They’d agreed to have an hour away from each other to cool things down a bit before
     Penny and Will arrived.
    Ellie didn’t want Penny to know about this fling with Gideon, so they’d agreed to
     keep it quiet. She didn’t want to have to explain herself or justify her actions.
     She wanted it to be something special and secret between them, something she could
     remember fondly on cold, lonely nights, when she felt like thinking about it. Not
     something that could be brought up at any time and catch her by surprise. Not that
     she’d told Gideon any of that.
    This time away from him was good. She needed a clear head when she met Will. She wanted
     her judgment to be sound and unbiased by how she felt right now. Which was pretty
     bloody mixed up.
    An hour. To herself. With Gideon two doors down. What the hell was she going to do
     with herself?
    She picked up her smartphone and scrolled through her blog reader trying to find something
     to capture her attention. Nothing did.
    She’d only been on her own for twenty minutes but it felt like hours.
    Going to the window, she looked out at the stunning view of the Cotswold countryside.
     Lush green and yellow fields stretched away from her for miles. This house was really
     something. It was a shame it held such sad memories for Gideon.
    What would it be like to live in a place like this? It was like something from another
     world. Whoever Gideon ended up marrying would be in for a treat — if he ever found
     a woman perfect enough to commit to that was. She wondered idly what she would be
     like. Some svelte, striking socialite no doubt. Someone worthy of this lifestyle.
     The thought made her stomach plummet so she pushed it away.
    Glancing at the clock on her phone she was frustrated to see only three minutes had
     passed since she’d last looked at it. Maybe she should go for another shower, just
     to pass some time.
    A loud rap at the door sent her heart into her mouth, and before she could say anything,
     Gideon came striding in. The look on his face was fierce, and with a jolt of fear
     she wondered what she’d done wrong.
    “It’s only been half an hour,” she said, her voice shaking with sudden nerves.
    “Shut up,” he growled, walking toward her. He grabbed her arm and hauled her toward
     the bed, giving her a shove so she toppled backward onto it.
    He grinned mischievously at her surprise before climbing onto the bed, trapping her
     body under his.
    “What did I do?” she asked, as he looked down at her, his pupils large against the
     vivid green of his irises.
    “Nothing yet,” he replied with a bewitching smile, “but I’m anticipating some very
     naughty behavior.”
    Before she could get her head around that statement, he kissed her, forcing her lips
     open and sliding his tongue against hers. Ellie’s body exploded with lust, her carefully
     made plans smashed around her.
    She moved her hands up into his thick, dark hair and pulled him even tighter against
     her. He groaned with pleasure and dropped his hips down against her to show her exactly
     how much he wanted her again.
    This was ridiculous. It had been less than an hour since her last orgasm and she was
     already panting for more. He smelled so good she wanted to eat him up.
    “Gideon,” she managed to say when he came up for air and began kissing along her jaw
     line, sending exquisite tremors of feeling through her ear and down her throat. “Don’t
     you think we should … ”
    “I said shut up,” he murmured,

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