Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt)

Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) by Sara Brookes

Book: Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) by Sara Brookes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Brookes
Tags: Erótica
hips away, pulling her back so his cock slowly disappeared into her cunt. She grew wetter, the small change indicating she was approaching climax despite his easy movements. The walls of her pussy clamped around his dick, trying to draw his length inside her.
    The need to come roared in his ears, pounding through his veins, but he ignored it.
    He shifted his hand, pushing his thumb firmly against the hardened nub of her clit. Her short fingernails dug into his forearm as she raised her hips. “You play me so well. Please…feels so good. Yes, harder. Make me come for you.”
    “This? You want this?” He powered into her, pinching her swollen clit at the same time.
    “Oh fuck yes.” She hissed, rotating her hips as he only moved his fingers.
    “Not quite yet, I think. Not enough.” She growled her displeasure, reaching between her legs to brush her own fingers against the hard nub of her clit. He slapped her hand away, narrowing his eyes. “Nothing would please me more than to see you explode. Which is why I’m making certain you do. We both know we’re pressed for time and we both know I never do anything half-assed. So hush and let me do my job properly.”
    She moaned quietly as her body relaxed. She trembled beneath him, her breathing growing rapid and shallow as he ground his pelvis against hers. He tugged on her hardening clit, thrusting unhurriedly as he sought to find the proper rhythm that would set her off. She shuddered, gasping as she teetered right on the edge of giving in completely. He watched her catch her bottom lip between her teeth, his name a quiet whisper on her lips.
    Just a few more…there. “Come hard for me, pet. Show me.”
    She fractured under him, her eyes widening then fluttering closed as she came. Watching her world turn inside out was pure heaven. Knowing he’d been the one responsible for her pleasure? Euphoric. That kind of feeling made him want her all over again, even though he hadn’t finished with her yet.
    He covered her body with his, clamping his mouth over hers. Her body convulsed against his, wrenching his climax from deep inside his balls. He could do nothing more than hold on, shuddering and emptying into her until he was spent. Gasping for air, he collapsed onto his hands, his arms bracketing her hips as they both fought for air. Her heart beat fast and steady against his forehead as he leaned against her abdomen.
    Her fingers stroked over his hair as she cradled his head. “That wasn’t supposed to happen. I just wanted to torment you some after what you did to me in the room.”
    He nodded. “I know.” His heart rate decreased, settling back into a normal rhythm before he realized he still had his cock buried inside her. His back and knees ached from the position, but it was a pleasurable throb he would gladly accept.
    He didn’t want to leave her, but they’d need to get moving soon in order to strap into their seats again. With a sigh, he pushed up, only to stop when she clenched a hand around his forearm. Looking down at her face, he was surprised to see genuine worry in her expression. “What’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
    Panic darkened the flecks of gold in her eyes. “I’m fine. I know this is the wrong time to ask, but I didn’t think about this until just now…shit, this is embarrassing. You didn’t just cheat on someone, did you? I mean, I’m not stepping on another sub’s toes or anything, am I?”
    “Just Rosie.” He wiggled his fingers. Korene gave a light giggle, tightening the slick vaginal muscles still surrounding him. Doubts vanished from her face. “She’ll be heartbroken to realize you’re ultimately more satisfying than she is any day.”
    She moved, releasing his arm as she rolled over onto her side before pushing up to kneel. She eyed the pile of clothing, and seemed to decide it was too far away to bother with the effort for the moment. He agreed with her choice, sighing as the hard, flat floor supported his back

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