Her Last Love Affair

Her Last Love Affair by Clara James

Book: Her Last Love Affair by Clara James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clara James
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attempt to show her what she’d be missing
if she stopped seeing him. Maybe. But he needn’t have bothered. Long before
then, she’d realized what she was about to give up.
    Had he been making sure that the last time was memorable?
Perhaps. But then why had he told her he loved her?
    “Allie,” he suddenly grunted, his lips just beneath her
    “Yeah?” she hummed absentmindedly, as she once more rolled
her hips and ground her clitoris against the hard bone beneath his neat thatch
of coarse hair.
    “God,” he blurted, jerking upwards. “I…” he breathed. “I
don’t want this to be the last time.”
    Her hands instantly slipped over his shoulders and around
his back, tugging him nearer. “I don’t want it to be, either,” she whispered,
tearfully. Her thighs no longer strong enough to lift her, she became still
except for a slight movement of her hips as she rubbed her mound against him.
    Slackening his own grip on her, Reece shifted back slightly,
so he could look up at her face. “But it has to be?” he asked solemnly.
    Allie silently pleaded with him not to make her answer, but
he continued to look at her expectantly. “Yes,” she eventually responded her
voice soft and on the verge of cracking.
    Reece’s eyes dropped to Allie’s shoulder. Then, with a sigh
of defeat he flopped back onto the bed.
    Allie went with him, her legs still straddling his and her
upper body pressed against his hard chest. Her arms however, unraveled from
around him, her palms landing on the mattress either side of his shoulders.
    Reece continued to hold his loose grasp of her and his right
hand rubbed soothingly over her shoulder blades. “Can I ask you something?” he
softly wondered.
    His thick, hard manhood still tightly tucked inside her,
Allie found it strange that the mood had shifted so profoundly. However, like
him, she suddenly had no interest in finding the momentary release of an
orgasm. It seemed much more important to savor the feeling of closeness, to
commit it to memory, so she’d be able to recall it whenever she needed him.
“Yes,” she replied, settling her head on his chest and placing her ear to the
strong, reliable beat of his heart.
    “Will there ever come a time when you can tell me? Or am I always
going to wonder what the hell happened between you and me?”
    Allie closed her eyes, listening to the soft rumble of his
words as they reverberated in his chest. “I don’t know,” she replied honestly.
It was something she hadn’t even thought about. Would he one day read her
obituary and realize what had been going on? “One day,” she sighed. “You might
    He made a small humming noise, as though he accepted, but
wasn’t entirely satisfied with the answer.
    Allie was blindsided by the image of Reece opening the paper
or browsing the Chronicle’s website only to find that she was dead. Knowing him
as she did, she realized he would not only be distressed, but he’d feel
betrayed. Would the time they’d shared over the past two weeks be tainted?
There was no question in her mind that, to him, it would be. Not only that, she
sensed he’d be angry with himself for not putting the signs together. She could
visualize the deep hurt, rage and frustration in his eyes and it caused her
physical pain. How could she do that to him? The only man, with the exception
of her father, who had ever really meant anything to her, and she was going to
hurt him more deeply than any human being whose life she’d ever touched.
    But, then again, did she really know him as well as she
thought she did? After all, he’d just turned nineteen when she went off to
college and they called it quits on their relationship. A person can change a
lot in that time; she’d certainly changed. And perhaps she didn’t know him at
all in the first place. It was possible that the Reece in her head was an
adolescent fantasy, rose-tinted by the very fact of him being her first love.
    Everything about the

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