Her Keepers

Her Keepers by Hazel Gower Page A

Book: Her Keepers by Hazel Gower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Gower
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two sets of Peacekeepers from each species. Once done, they set their Peacekeepers to work.

Chapter One
    “That was the best concert so far. It’s the best idea you’ve ever had, Karen. We are killing two birds with one stone. Seeing America, and going to festivals to see bands that wouldn’t come to Australia. The only downside is that these crazy Americans drive on the wrong side of the road. I’m glad you’re driving, because I don’t think I could stay on what they call the right side.”
    Karen shot a grin at her best friend, Jacky, before turning back to the road. “We had to celebrate you breaking up with dickhead some way. And you said ‘do something big and drastic.’ So, I thought of the two things we always wanted to do, see America, Alaska, and go to loads of concerts.”
    “I’m so lucky to have a friend like you. I don’t know any other friend who would take two months off work to travel with her best friend to cheer her up. I’m actually surprised your work okayed you to go. Isn’t the new owner of the doctors' surgery an asshole?”
    Karen debated what to say. She didn’t want to tell Jacky that she’d quit her job before they left so she could go on this trip. They’d only been in America just over two weeks, and they’d been having so much fun. This was their first drive. They’d flown twice, but since they had two weeks before the next concert they wanted to see the country, so now it was time for the driving part of their journey, giving themselves that time to explore Alaska. Karen had rented a car at the Alaskan Airport, and they were on their way to a cute little town that guaranteed the best wildlife experience.
    “Jacky, we have wildlife stuff in Australia. Why the hell do you want to stay at this place?” Karen wasn’t a nature person, she was a shopping and spending money person. Jacky loved wildlife and exploring. Theirs was a weird friendship, but they balanced each other out. Hiking and walking along bush tracks were favorites of Jacky’s, and she was constantly trying to get Karen to join her, but Karen wasn’t a fan of walking for miles in the bush with lots of bugs and animals and she thought hiking was worse. Karen glanced at her friend to see a dreamy expression come over her face.
    “I want to see a polar bear, and this place says it can guarantee it.”
    Karen groaned, “Please tell me you haven’t paid a ridiculous amount of money to be scammed?”
    Jacky blew a raspberry her way. “The website and the brochures I was sent, all promise it too.”
    Karen really hoped they weren’t going to be ripped off, because thanks to quitting her job and using her savings for this trip, she didn’t know when she’d be able to go on holidays again. “I hope you’re right.”

    “Did this weekend booking say when they would arrive?” Brad asked his brother, Duncan, who sat at their table going through paperwork.
    “Yeah, The Johnson group should be here soon. Actually, I expected them an hour or two ago. Why?”
    “Fuck! We have problems.”
    His brother looked up at him, now giving his full attention.
    “I just got a call from Davis. He said a rival pack was coming to negotiate land terms with them. Davis didn’t realize we had a booking this weekend and said our hotel was free… And we are the Peacekeepers. What should I do now? I thought about sending the packs down to Wildlife Hotel, and we would go down when we could and sort out the problems there, but they’re a human hotel. I know they know about us, but they’re not strong enough to break up any fights that might occur with the wolves.”
    Duncan ran his fingers through his blond hair and glared at him. “The Johnson booking is only staying four nights. I’ll offer them our lodge cabin, and hope they take it. We’ll stay here and keep an eye on all the wolves and make sure they’re on their best behavior. I’ll call our brothers back for help. They shouldn’t be far anyway. They can

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