Her Heart's Desire

Her Heart's Desire by Allison Merritt

Book: Her Heart's Desire by Allison Merritt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Merritt
both of them, for what if they got wet along the way? She dressed and packed with haste. The sack she stuffed with clothes bulged, banging her leg with every step she took.
    What of provisions? Had he thought of medicines in case of injury or illness? Or had he lost his mind the way she originally feared? This wasn't the reunion she had hoped for. Twelve days gone, she'd thought he'd return in daylight, victorious over Ofbradh. A race from their home had never occurred to her.
    She stood shivering in the shadows while she hugged the sack close to her chest with one hand and held her mantle closed with the other. The cold stung her cheeks. She strained to hear footsteps or whispers. Getting Birgir from his bed this time of night might prove difficult.
    The long silence stretched until she wondered if she'd been dreaming. Her husband's touch had seemed real enough, but...perhaps she missed him so much she'd conjured a strange dream of him in her mind.
    Shoes scraped over the ground and a muffled curse shot out of Ealasaid's mouth when she tripped. “Out of the way, Rifa.”
    “Careful,” Eoghann whispered. “And keep the hounds quiet. This way. Stay with Idunna while I fetch the horses. Not a sound, you understand?”
    “Fulla's a baby. How can she help it if she fusses?” Ealasaid sounded weary. “What madness is a ride through the dark. We're as likely to be killed now as in our beds from poisoning.”
    “Be quiet and stay here,” Eoghann hissed. His footsteps faded.
    “Ealasaid?” Idunna made her way to them. “I'm sorry for this. Perhaps it is madness.”
    Under the silvery light of a three-quarter moon, Ealasaid cradled Fulla to her breast and shook her head. “Nay, I'm irritated to wake to Eoghann instead of Hella. It's not the homecoming I envisioned.”
    “Me either.” She paused. “Do you believe his story?”
    “Murder among the jarls? It's all too common. Make Ofbradh suffer visions, order him to kill Hella and bring down Solstad...it's not as far-fetched as it seems. I only hope Hella discovered the trouble in time.”
    “Are we going to die, Ma?” Birgir stood close to his mother. His breath came out in a long white plume.
    Ealasaid rested her hand on his head. “Your da's ensured our lives by trusting your uncle. Don't fret. Be brave, boy. You know Eoghann loves you as his own.”
    “Yes, Ma.” He studied the baby in her arms. “It's awfully cold out for Fulla. Is she warm enough?”
    “I've wrapped her in three blankets. It's a wonder she's not crying already.” Ealasaid gazed down at the baby. “Don't worry for her either. Soon this will be settled and we'll be back in our beds.”
    “I hope so.” Birgir wrapped his arms around himself and tucked his hands beneath his arms.
    In the distance, a light burned in a window. Eoghann had struck flint to light a torch to get the horses ready. At least, she hoped it was him.
    The night silence grated her nerves. What if some enemy waited for them beyond the safety of Solstad's boundaries? “Did he say where he planned to take us?”
    Ealasaid shook her head. “No. Poor Eoghann. He must be exhausted after riding straight here from Ofan. To start another journey with no rest. He's limping too, did you see? The gods only know what he's been through to get here in such a short amount of time.”
    Idunna squeezed the clothing bag tighter. She hadn't seen any sign of injury on him. Suspicion and fear caused her to overlook such matters.
    Dark colored horses led by her husband materialized out of the gloom. “Skjótr's too old to make this journey, Birgir. You'll have to ride one of the bigger horses.”
    “Is it tame enough?” Ealasaid squinted at the horses.
    “I'll watch him closely. It's the gelding Erland sometimes rides. He has a special touch with horses. It shouldn't harm Birgir.” Eoghann offered his hand to the boy. “I'll help you up.”
    As soon as Birgir was seated, Eoghann attended Ealasaid, holding the baby while his sister

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