Her Heart for the Asking (Book 1 - TEXAS HEARTS)
to be with him.  Much as
she'd hated it, she'd been drawn to Beau like a magnet ever since
she'd stepped foot off that plane.  It felt amazingly good to
feel and admit it to herself after all this time.  It was
better to feel it and be there in his arms.
    The charging rain against the roof of the
truck just barely drowned out her soft moan and the rampant beating
of her heart.  Mandy clung to Beau, to his rain sodden
clothes, feeling his hard body against hers, feeling the strength
of his arms as he pulled her against his chest, setting her soul on
    It wouldn't last forever.  She knew
that.  But for this moment she'd make it last, savor every bit
of Beau's kiss for as long as she could.
    The sound of a horn blaring in the distance
slowly cut through the charge of the rain.  Beau pulled away
from her and looked into her eyes.  She knew that look. 
It had haunted her endlessly with its memory.  But before she
could kiss Beau again, the noise in the distance grew louder until
it was impossible to ignore.
    "What are they doing up here?"  Beau
released Mandy, grabbing his boots and quickly slipping into
    It could only mean one thing, but Mandy
wasn't ready to face it.  Fighting her fear, she quickly threw
open the door and stepped out into the rain.
    Mitch's truck stopped about a hundred yards
away.  He ran through the mud-bogged road until he was half
way to Beau's truck.
    "I'm glad I caught up with you."
    "What is it?" Beau asked.
    Mitch could hardly catch his breath. 
He didn't have to utter a word for Mandy to know what he was about
to say.  His face said it all.
    "It's Hank.  He's collapsed."
    # # #

Chapter Eight
    For the first time that day, Beau questioned
taking Mandy away from the ranch.  Oh, Lord, if anything
happened to Hank while they were gone.  He'd never forgive
    "We're never going to get the truck through
this mud without some help," Beau said.
    "I have a winch if you get stuck, but it'll
take too long.  Leave the truck and drive back with me."
    They quickly walked the distance to Mitch's
pickup and climbed inside.  Mandy sat in the middle between
him and Mitch, forced into tight quarters, but already Beau felt
the difference between them.  She was snug up against him,
leaning against his body.  Beau had to admit he liked this
change of heart, and hoped it wasn't just out of fear for what
might be with Hank.
    She needed comfort to keep her fear at bay
and he was going to give it to her.  Wrapping his arm around
her shoulder, he pulled her to him so she was resting against his
side.  He realized immediately that he needed her comfort as
much as she needed his.
    As Mitch's truck bounced back down the road
toward the ranch, Mandy's eyes drifted up to meet his.  It
nearly broke his heart.  She seemed...shattered.
    He did the only thing he could.  He
bent his head and pressed his lips against her forehead.  "You
talk to him," Beau said softly.  "He'll listen to you. 
You're the only one he'll listen to."
    Mandy nodded her head weakly. 
    It seemed to take forever to reach the ranch
house.  The sun was sinking below the trees when Mitch's truck
finally pulled out front.  Knowing the doctors would take
measures to operate, Hank insisted on staying home instead of going
to the hospital at Corrine's pleas.  The paramedics stabilized
him as best they could while Corrine had called his doctor. 
He was just stepping off the porch when they climbed out of the
    "He's comfortable," Corrine said.  It
had taken its toll on her, Beau could tell.  In the time
they'd been gone she looked as if she'd aged ten years.
    "I want to see him," Mandy said on a
    "He needs to rest," Dr. Cookman said. 
"Don't upset him.  Right now his heart is like a
timebomb.  Just let him rest and I'll check on him in the
morning."  He turned to Corrine and reaching out, he squeezed
her hand.  "You have my direct number.  You call me if
you need to.  I don't care what

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