Her Guardian Angel (Fire and Snow)

Her Guardian Angel (Fire and Snow) by Khloe Wren

Book: Her Guardian Angel (Fire and Snow) by Khloe Wren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khloe Wren
Tags: shapeshifter
quite black, not quite brown. When the sun shines off it, like now, it looks like you have a halo..." he ran his thumbs under each eye "...your eyes are like melted chocolate that I just want to dive into and drown in, and your lips..." he started nibbling at the side of her mouth "...just beg for my kisses. I can't resist."
    He spent a couple of minutes kissing her with all the passion he felt for her--his mate. When he felt her relax and her hands began to creep up his arms, exploring all the dips and rises of his muscles, he lowered his hands, trailing them down her neck, over her shoulders, pushing the shirt so it dropped back down her arms. He continued his seduction as he whispered against her lips, "Your skin is so soft, pure ivory silk. I can't stop touching you. I will never be able to stop touching you." His hands lowered to cup each of her breasts "Your breasts are sensational. They are round, soft, with beautiful rosy tips that stand up to attention waiting for me. They are just the right size to fill my hands--my very large hands." He nipped her chin before he nuzzled up towards her ear "And I just know, when you allow me the honor of exploring the rest of you, you will be perfection the whole way down to the tips of your dainty little toes."
    Moving his legs to kneel, Dominic laid her on her back and followed her down. He began softly kissing his way over her neck, back to her irresistible breasts. He just couldn't get enough of her--he would never get enough of her: His Mate. Oh, how he wished he could claim her, complete the mating right this moment. But he couldn't, not until she knew all about him and accepted him.
    He ran his tongue over her nipple then glanced up at her passion-dazed face, waiting for her to look down at him. When she did, he finished his speech, "And the fact that I am the only man who knows your taste, the only one who has it on his tongue--the only man who has seen your perfection, brings me so much joy and makes me feel so honored, I simply don't have the words."
    She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get a sound out, he cut her off by sucking her breast into his mouth. They both groaned as he felt her nipple scrape the roof of his mouth. Dominic settled himself between her legs and went to work worshipping Adele's body that was laid out beneath him. He felt her arms move up and began to explore his back and shoulders. He couldn't hold back for much longer. The need to claim his mate was so strong. He moved back to her mouth and ravaged her for as long as he could stand the burn. When he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily. She had a pink flush to her face and chest and looked good enough to eat. Right on queue, Adele's stomach let out a rumble and they both laughed.
    "I think we need to get you fed, beautiful."
    Dominic helped her sit up and get dressed. When he had all the buttons done up, he looked up at her face--her stare was glued to his chest, his pectorals twitched under the intensity of her gaze and her mouth gaped open ever so slightly. Dominic couldn't help the growl that escaped his throat.
    He watched her jaw click shut as her eyes flicked up to his face in shock. Damn, she heard him.
    "Sorry, beautiful. I didn't mean to scare you. When you look at me like that, with heat in your eyes, it brings out my inner caveman." He threw her his lopsided grin, because he knew that would melt her and she'd forget about his growl sounding more animal than human. Her lips quirked up in a small smile.
    "So, caveman, what's for lunch?"
    ~ * ~
    Kelly had been free for two nights and three days. She was tired after all of the walking and so damn sore from her injuries. He had worked her over well. Everywhere hurt. Her body was crying out for her to stop and rest, but she couldn't stop, she had to continue on. She just couldn't go back to that hell. She'd rather die. Her stomach growled and cramped bad enough she dropped to her knees. Damn, she was hungry. She

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