Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets

Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets by Heather Rainier

Book: Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets by Heather Rainier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Rainier
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Western
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could not recall that ever happening before. Unless he was actively 70

    working the door, there was always a bevy of eager women clamoring for his attention.
    Morbidly curious to find out what would happen, she gathered her purse and told Eli she was visiting the ladies’ room and would be right back. She glanced back as she sashayed away and caught him ogling her ass. He looked up and smiled hungrily at her. Blowing him a kiss, Rachel gave him the show he wanted. She found Grace seated in Ethan’s lap at another table.
    Grinning, Rachel said, “Come on, bathroom buddy!” Grace kissed Ethan, and he released her. She slipped out of his lap, jerking around suddenly when Ethan goosed her fanny. Giggling, she followed Rachel into the bathroom and checked the other stalls for company. They were alone.
    Grace leaned against the counter while Rachel checked her lipstick.
    “That outfit looks every bit as sexy on you as I thought it would. Did Eli like it?”
    “He likes it very much. I can’t thank you enough.”
    “Oh, come on. What did he say ?” Grace asked and giggled delightedly when Rachel told her. “How was your afternoon?”
    “It was wonderful. We napped.” She grinned at the disappointed look on Grace’s face. “He said I was too tired from everything last night, and he didn’t want to make love to me when I felt like that. So we took a nap, then we made love.”
    “Oooh! How was it?” Grace asked, blushing a little. Rachel didn’t say anything at first, just looked up at Grace. “Oh, damn, it was that good? I know that look. I’ve worn it many times in the last few months. You are so in love! I’m so happy for you, Rachel. You deserve a good man like Eli.
    You can tell he’s smitten by the way he watches you when you’re not looking.”
    “What do you mean?” Rachel asked, looking at Grace’s reflection in the mirror as she fluffed her blonde hair.
    “He doesn’t look at you, he drinks you in. Anyone can see he absolutely adores you.” Conspiratorially, she continued, “I’ve been listening this evening, and everyone is talking about the two of you.”
    “What do they say?” Rachel asked. At Grace’s doubtful gaze, she added, “Come on, you can tell me. That’s part of why I’m in the bathroom with you. Nothing will surprise me at this point.”

    “Ethan overheard a table full of single women in the back planning to wait for you to go to the bathroom before making a move.” Rachel’s eyes shot up, and for a split second, she saw red and almost sprinted to the door.
    Grace laid a gentle hand on Rachel’s arm and deterred her from leaving.
    “I heard two women talking. One of them planned to come over and spill her drink on you accidentally . While you’re in the bathroom cleaning up, the other one will give him their numbers and offer him a threesome.
    She said she knows where he lives and everything. Before you ask, she said she followed him home one evening, curious where he lived. Ethan said you handled yourself well with the same women earlier this evening, so you’ll know what they’re up to when you see them coming.”
    “Ethan said that?”
    “Yeah, listen to me, okay? Don’t rush out there ready to do battle. Give him a chance to prove to them he is not interested. Up until tonight, they all thought eventually he’d take an interest in one of them. You’ll both need to show them that he is permanently off the market, but you have to be subtle about it. That doesn’t mean you can’t make your message crystal clear, just don’t let them upset you.
    “Remember how catty women can be and that their best strategy may be to try and get the two of you fighting. Don’t let that happen with your guy. If you love him, always give him the benefit of the doubt. Always .
    Roughly half the customers in here are women. In here, he has to be kind to them, allowing their flirtations to a very limited extent. Now that you have cut off their supply of ‘Eli love,’

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