Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1)

Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1) by Jaye Diane

Book: Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1) by Jaye Diane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaye Diane
okay, Mami,” Angelica said, smiling behind her hand.
    Elena muttered to Ines in Spanish, making Ines smirk at her grandmother until Elena walked around the table and swatted her on the arm.
    “I'm headed outside to shovel some of this snow,” Quintin said, standing up and leaving the table. And just that quickly, it was over. Disaster averted.
    After the remnants of breakfast had been cleaned and put away, Robyn escaped to her room as quickly as possible. She shoved a mint into her mouth and called Emerald, telling her about the events that had occurred. She still felt shaky from almost being found out. She was going to be the first one out the door the following morning, maybe even that night if the roads were cleared up enough.
    Emerald threatened Devin with violence and told Robyn that she just might kick him in the balls when she saw him. And she told Robyn to just tell her family about the baby.
    “If you just come clean,” Emerald said, “It will relieve a lot of stress. And your parents are not going to be mad at you. They love you and they're proud of you. They just want you to be happy.”
    “I'm going to tell them eventually,” Robyn whispered. “I can't handle this right now...”
    “Aw, honey, it's going to be just fine...”
    A knock sounded at the door and Grace walked in, a huge grin on her face.
    “I have to go, Emmy,” Robyn said, a small sigh escaping her. “Grace just came in.”
    “Call me later,” Emerald said, “I mean it. And tell Grace I said Merry Christmas.”
    “Okay,” Robyn said, “Talk to you later.”
    Once Robyn hung up the phone, she put it on the bedside table and clicked the TV on.
    “What's up, Grace?” She asked, remembering that Grace had wanted to talk to her.
    “I know about you and Devin,” Grace said bluntly, making Robyn's jaw drop.
    She'd suspected that Grace knew her secret but hearing her say it so plainly still filled her with dismay.
    “So much for secrets!” Robyn said, falling back on the bed and pulling her pillow over her head.
    “So it's true?” Grace demanded, her voice rising.
    “Is what true?” Robyn pushed the pillow to the side and slowly sat up. “You just said you know...so what are you asking me?”
    “I saw Devin leaving your room last night,” Grace said. “He looked very happy. Very happy ,” Grace said, drawing the two words out.
    “He came to talk,” Robyn said. “It was no big deal.”
    “No way,” Grace scoffed. “There's no way my brother looked that happy after just talking. And it was really late. He waited for everyone to go to bed so he could sneak into your room without us knowing. Why are you guys keeping this a secret? We're about to be sisters-in-law!”
    “Grace, slow down!” Robyn couldn't help but laugh at her friends' excitement. “There won't be any weddings or anything like that.”
    “But I know what I saw...unless,” Grace frowned. “Oh my god, I'm going to kick his ass! He's just fucking you?”
    Devin was two years older than both her and Grace, and a hell of a lot taller and bigger. Robyn couldn't see Grace inflicting any pain on him no matter how hard she tried.
    “Lower your voice!” Robyn said through gritted teeth. “Damn!”
    “I can't believe this...my own brother...” Grace was shaking her head. “Just wait until I see him!”
    “Grace, I'm grown. I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do,” Robyn said, putting a hand over her eyes. This had exploded in her face in more ways than one and there were still so many hours left in the day.
    “We're not even together anymore,” Robyn rushed to say. “It's been over since October.”
    “You two were friends with benefits?” Grace looked so disappointed that Robyn wanted to cry for letting her friend down. “And what was he doing in your room last night?”
    “We liked each other,” Robyn said, the sadness creeping up. “We wanted to tell everyone...when the time was right... But it didn't last anyway and there

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