Hemlock And The Dead God's Legacy (Book 2)

Hemlock And The Dead God's Legacy (Book 2) by B. Throwsnaill

Book: Hemlock And The Dead God's Legacy (Book 2) by B. Throwsnaill Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. Throwsnaill
people what his true character is.  I grew up with him, and I know him well.  He is strong enough, but when met by strength, he falters.  That is a poor quality for a King.”
    Hemlock turned away from Taros Sundar as she considered what she had seen Umra Vyle do in the pass.
    Perceiving her discomfort, he walked around to her front. “What’s the matter?  Did you see something back there?”
    I wanted to discuss this with Tored first.  Curses, I let my guard down!
    “No, I didn’t.”
    “Come now, I can tell that you saw something.”
    “Fine.  I saw Umra Vyle before I got the spot where the wildcat attacked.  He was looking for help.”
    Taros Sundar looked angry. “You mean running away!”
    “I didn’t say that!”
    “You didn’t have to.  You’re a warrior.  You know what you saw just as well as I do.  This man can’t be King!”
    OK, this isn’t going well.
    “Can’t you talk to others in his clan?  Can’t you talk to the Elders?  Why are you taking this on your shoulders alone?”
    “Because everyone fears his strength.  And he is the strongest among us , besides Tored—just not the best.  We need a brave and just man for our King.”
    “Taros Sundar, I can appreciate where you are coming from.  I did things that I believed in—even when I knew they were dangerous.”
    “And you did what you needed to do—you changed things for the better!”
    “But it cost me dearly.  People died.  Many people.   Are you willing to have people die to further your cause?  Think about that before you act rashly.”
    “ But how many people will die if Umra Vyle becomes King and is not a good leader for my people?”
    “Work with others and consult with Tored.  He’s smarter than you give him credit for.  There must be a way to stop Umra Vyle without risking your own life in the process.”
    Taros Sundar did not respond, and his expression told Hemlock that he was skeptical.
    Hemlock and Taros Sundar returned to the group as the funeral pyres were being lit , and all paused to pay their respects to the fallen.  A short ceremony ensued, led by Tored.  When everyone had paid their respects, and the fires were burning strongly, the group resumed their journey to Tor Varnos.

Chapter Five
    The unity between the Tanna Varran factions did not last very long. 
    After another uneventful day of travel, they had reached the frontiers of the Witch Crags.  It seemed to Hemlock that the sight of their native lands sparked a revival of the tribal discord.
    The next morning, the Umra clan was blaming Faud for the deaths of their clan members; and from time to time, angry accusations were flying from their mouths in voices that could clearly be heard by all.
    Tored had intervened once already, demanding that the warriors travel in silence from that point on.  After this incident, Hemlock had attempted to break the silence that Tored had traveled under since the wild cat incident.  But the warrior only grunted a dismissive response, and Hemlock withdrew, frustrated and concerned.
    The three tall, steep hills that bordered the valley where the Tanna Varran capital of Tor Varnos was located were visible in the distance, but it was still a day off.  Tored said that once they were certain they were clear of the City, the group would take to the air to cover the remaining distance.  They would fly off and on for the remainder of the day, rest underground in one of the many caves in the area, and reach Tor Varnos the next morning.
    Tanna Varran wings had been distributed to all of the wizards.  Renevos was again an impediment to their progress, for he did not take quickly to the use of the wings, and the Tanna Varrans feared to push him to o quickly due to his relative frailty.
    Eventually he grew accustomed to their use, and they began to make good progress.
    Hemlock appreciated the sullen beauty of the Witch Crags as she soared over them.  She even felt somewhat inspired by her surroundings, wishing

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