expensive hand-made suits. He moved from grooming my toenails to
massaging my feet. Then his elegant hands moved slowly up my ankles
and calves, massaging them gently and over my knees to my thighs,
edging closer, all the while mesmerising me with his incredibly
captivating blue eyes. I parted my thighs willingly in
anticipation, barely daring to breathe. He inched closer, leaving
my skin tingling as he progressed up my thighs. The heat grew
within me. He was about to touch me intimately with his long,
graceful fingers, a seductive smile playing across his lips, when I
woke up suddenly, breathing heavily, tangled in my sheets and
intensely aroused. No! I panted. Don’t end now! Not
    It took me a
long time to go back to sleep afterwards.

    The next
morning I remembered that Heller had promised me that I’d meet with
clients, so again I was up early, gently exercised, fed and
showered before eight. I chose my outfit carefully, thrilled to
have such a selection from which to choose. I decided on a smart
little navy skirt-suit with a very feminine soft white chemise. I
tied my hair back in an elegant loose clasp as the hair stylist
taught me and applied my new skin products and makeup. I twisted
back and forth in front of my bedroom mirror trying to check my
rear view. I’m not normally a vain person, but I thought I looked
pretty good. I certainly felt fine, the expert haircut and
beautiful clothes greatly boosting my self-confidence.
    I walked down
the stairs, taking care with the ten-centimetre navy stilettos I
was wearing. I hadn’t wanted to buy high heels, already being so
tall, but Mei had talked me into a few pairs, arguing that I would
get used to walking in them eventually. I hoped she was right,
because I was sure I was going to break my ankle at any moment.
When I stepped into the office, Heller and Daniel were already
there, discussing some paperwork at Daniel’s desk. Conscious that
they had both lifted their heads to stare at me, I carefully made
my way towards my desk.
wolf-whistled loudly. “You look amazing , Tilly!” I smiled at
him gratefully for his kindness.
    Heller put up
his hand to stop my progress. I stood there, embarrassed, while he
walked around me, intensely scrutinising my hair, suit, shoes,
jewellery, skin and makeup. I guess he had a right to do so as he
had paid for it all. When he had finished, I looked up at him in
silence, nervously awaiting his verdict. He held my glance steadily
until I had to blink and look away.
    “Not bad,” he
reluctantly conceded.
    “You overwhelm
me with your praise, good sir,” I replied tartly, and gave him a
little curtsy.
    “My praise, if I felt like providing any, would all be for Mei. She can
make anyone look good.”
    “She obviously
doesn’t dress you then,” I snapped, stung by his words. But from
the dangerous flash in his eyes that followed, I knew I had stepped
over a boundary.
    We engaged in
eye-lock until I had to break away again, burned by that glacial
blueness. The man was talented at staring people down. He spoke to
me sharply. “I have two client appointments today. I want you to
come to both of them with me. We leave for the first one in an
hour. You need to be prepared so I’ve put some material on your
desk to read before then.” And with that, he strode off into his
    I sat at my
desk and spent the next hour reading about the business’s security
and surveillance offerings, only too aware that Heller’s eyes were
resting on me frequently as I did. Probably making sure I was
working as hard as he expected , I thought ungraciously. Luckily
for me though, one of the few acting skills I’d had any talent at
was memorising text, so I was fairly confident that I’d be able to
discuss the services offered by Heller’s with some degree of
knowledgeable professionalism. I casually threw some of the
brochures into one of my new top-label handbags.
    Just before we
were due to leave, I dashed

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