Hell Is Above Us: The Epic Race to the Top of Fumu, the World's Tallest Mountain

Hell Is Above Us: The Epic Race to the Top of Fumu, the World's Tallest Mountain by Jonathan Bloom

Book: Hell Is Above Us: The Epic Race to the Top of Fumu, the World's Tallest Mountain by Jonathan Bloom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Bloom
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their heart’s want. The climbers sponsored their own trip this time. By the end of summer, Hoyt and his team found themselves at Everest’s northern Base Camp, looking up at the fabled face of Sagamartha.
    No one had conquered Everest yet. Then thought to be the tallest mountain in the world, people had certainly tried. The British had the first designs for Everest in the early 1920’s. With both Poles of the Earth conquered, The United Kingdom wished to conquer “The Third Pole.” But access to Everest was limited. Even though the British lorded over what is now modern-day India, Burma, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, Nepal’s borders were closed. Any British expedition would have to make its way northeast to Tibet from India and then turn almost completely around to approach the mountain from the north.
    In 1921 a young George Mallory along with Charles Howard-Bury and a large expedition of fellow Brits and Sherpa made a reconnaissance mission to the area. Mallory, like Hoyt and Junk who followed, had never climbed in the Himalaya when he set his sites for Everest. Thanks to his efforts and the rest of the team of photographers, surveyors, and botanists, the world learned much about the mountain. Most importantly for the world of mountaineering, the expedition found the best routes for reaching the base of the mountain at a point where the summit could be attempted.
    The British would try for Everest seven times officially before the war began, including the tragic 1924 expedition in which Mallory and Andrew Irvine were lost near the summit. By the beginning of World War II, no one had reached the top, but many had come painfully close – some within hundreds of feet. Landslides, altitude sickness, sudden storms, and simple exhaustion ultimately took its toll on all comers. Worse still, these brave souls climbing the northern side of Everest had no idea Fumu lurked on the other side, mocking their misguided efforts to reach the top of the world. Even those who gazed upon her from near Everest’s summit – either because of distance or dizziness from altitude, or both - had no idea Fumu was dominant.
    By late 1939, England’s Royal Geographic Society was in a damned rut. They were practically drooling to get a man to the top of Everest. The defeats were bad enough, but now the Germans were making their moves on the Himalaya. Hitler was already out of line on the battlefields of Europe. The Brits did not want him getting the best of them in Asia as well. It would be an absolute coup to reach the top of Everest, the tallest mountain in the world (or so it was believed at the time), before the Germans reached the top of Nanga Parbat, known to be the ninth tallest mountain at the time.
    But after seven expeditions, the Royal Geographic Society, the Everest Committee, and the entire British government were sick of putting their best and brightest men in harm’s way, especially when a possible war loomed. Money was not an issue at the moment, and they were willing to fund many more campaigns. But no more would they fund the high-altitude deaths of the “old-boy” network. Names like Shipton, Longland, and Wollaston would not be put into harm’s way anymore. A decision was made to only send chimneysweeps, the Irish, and members of the then-dying Liberal Party.
    Sir Percy Cox, secretary of the Everest Committee, received a letter from the United States at about this time. It was from Aaron Junk. In it, Junk pleaded with the committee to let him join their next expedition to Everest. He explained that American businesses and government had little interest in funding a climb at the time, and that his own funding was currently tied up in other concerns. Junk used a rather silly argument to persuade the committee to allow an outsider to tag along: “My father was a world-renowned geographer and map-maker. I believe I am well on my way to becoming his worthy successor. In addition, I am an excellent mountaineer. If you have

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