Hell Froze Over
make it look like she had a swagger as well (Shady taught her that), how to give that look of intensity that scared the crap out of people (she hadn’t quite got that down since Harmony said she looked like a frightening bunny), and also how to dress and match the Harley clothes. Apparently, there was a system she hadn’t known about but when explained by Bic, Nike, and the rest of the girls, she had been shocked. It was so cool!
    She grabbed the bag Jilly gave her to put on what the girls had all chosen for her. She pulled out a black pair of lace panties with the matching bra, which were sexy as hell. Then she put on her new Harley jeans, her Harley black and silver tank top, her Harley belt buckle, her Harley socks and topped it off with the Harley biker boots. Holy shit this was totally awesome , Boo thought as she began to get dressed. With each piece she felt different, more confident because they all made her feel like she belonged. When she was done zipping up her boots, she stood and looked down, damn , she thought, and then backed up so she could see herself in the full mirror on the back of the door. Fuck, she was gonna cry. They had made her one of them with everything they had done—they’d made her a true Lady Rider.
    Not wanting to ruin her make-up, which was darker because they were going over to the bar, she looked up to the ceiling. Bic had called Freebyrd and told him to make sure the music was on, and the beers were cold when they got there. Boo pulled her cut on, slowly reveling in the feel of the leather sliding over her skin. She at least had a tan that was acceptable to wear this. She turned back and grinned at herself in the mirror, then turned one way and then the other, checking herself out. She closed her eyes for a second and let her inner girly chick squeal on the inside, because when she opened her eyes she saw a Bitch.
    Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the bathroom with the same swagger that Shady had taught her and made her way into the living room where the girls were lounging, waiting for her. As she entered and made sure to keep her expression bored like they taught her, she strutted to the other side of the room and then did her model turn and cocked her hip and paused, looking down on all of them as they sat.
    Shady stood and narrowed her eyes a little, drawing her gaze. Boo met her gaze and didn’t break it, staring her down just like Freedom had taught her. There was silence in the room as Shady tested her. They said this was the sign of being confident, and never let some other bitch try to beat her at a stare off, it made her seem weak, and this Boo was not weak, this Boo was a Lady Rider and all of these women had her back. Fuck the world if they didn’t like it.
    Finally, she saw Shady grin and begin to clap. The rest of the girls began cheering and yelling and Boo felt like she had won the lottery. In a way she had, because she hadn’t won money, she had won family and she was happy. Now she was ready to see if Kink and Magnum were man enough for her.
    Boo snapped her fingers and pointed to the door and they all laughed, especially when Boo began to strut and then tripped on the carpet and ruined her look. She ignored it and kept walking while the girls laughed and cheered her on. She really hoped they hadn’t added carpet to the main clubhouse suddenly, cause that would suck.

    Kink and Magnum leaned against the bar drinking their beer. They could have sat down, but they were both pissed about being kicked out of their house and they were shitty company. Well, it was more like they didn’t want the guys to keep ribbing them so they ignored them at all cost. Especially Poke, that bastard was calling them pussy whipped.
    “You think we are gonna have to find somewhere else to stay tonight?” Kink said grimly.
    Magnum stood up straight and said, “Fuck, no way, man, that is so not happening, I will draw the line at that shit.”
    Kink straightened as well. “Yeah,

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