Gold of the Gods

Gold of the Gods by Bear Grylls

Book: Gold of the Gods by Bear Grylls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bear Grylls
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features did not move. Not
a smile or a frown. Neither welcome nor
    From a larger hut at the far end of the
clearing, a small group of men now
appeared. They too wore the white tunics of
the Kogi tribe, with hats that tapered to a
point like the roofs of their huts. Mama
Kojek led the way towards the group of
elders, who parted to let them through,
then led the way into the hut.
    After the bright sunlight, the world went
black as Beck followed him in. By the time
his eyes had adapted to the darkness, he
found himself sitting cross-legged in the
centre. The hut was divided into four
sections, with a fire in the middle of each
tended by one of the Mamas – the holy men
of the Kogi tribe.
    'Younger Brother' – Mama Kojek was
again speaking inside Beck's head – 'you
have come here uninvited. Even so, we
welcome you to our home. We, the Kogi
people, are the Elder Brother. We are the
guardians of the Earth. Our work is to
protect the mountains among which we
live. Without the holy work of the Mamas,
not only these mountains but the whole
world will die.'
    Mama Kojek paused for a while before
continuing. 'The first time the Younger
Brother came here, you killed our people
and burned our homes. Your leader found
our holy city in the jungle and took away
the life blood of the Mother. Soon after, we
deserted the city. When the Younger
Brother returned again, he could not find
the city and took a terrible revenge.'
    The holy man leaned forward. 'Younger
Brother, all is not as it seems to you.' He
pointed slowly up towards the roof of the
hut and then down to the ground. 'For us,
there are many worlds. Both above and
below. Inside us and without. You see only
one, but we see many. You yourself believe
you have met me before. And it is true. But
only in the world of Aluna. Only in the
spirit world which is Aluna.'
    Beck's head was spinning. What was the
meaning of Mama Kojek's words? He said
that Beck had only met him in another
world, but hadn't Beck seen him with his
own eyes in the square in Cartagena? And
anyway, where exactly was this other world,
this magical world of Aluna?
    Mama Kojek was speaking once more.
'Because of the deeds of the Younger
Brother, the world is dying. Our sacred city
has lain covered by the jungle for many
centuries. To you it is a lost city but for us it
is a city that sleeps. A treasure was stolen
from us. You must give back to the Mother
what your ancestors stole. Only the Younger
Brother can return it to the place from
whence it was taken.'
    Mama Kojek was standing again now, his
arms outstretched and his tunic bright in
the sunlight shining through the doorway
of the hut.
    'Younger Brother, the treasure which you
call gold is the blood of the Mother.
Without her life blood, the Mother will die.
First in the world of Aluna and later in the
world of flesh and blood. On our mountain
peaks, the eternal snows are melting. Soon
the rivers will dry up and the people will
die. The Elder Brother cannot heal the
world for much longer if the Younger
Brother continues to let her bleed.'
    Beck was staring deep into Mama Kojek's
eyes. Nothing seemed real any more. The
village, the hut, the Kogis – everything
seemed to be dissolving into thin air. He felt
his hand groping under his shirt for the
golden amulet. Since they had first discovered
it in Gonzalo's secret hiding place,
the toad had hung around Beck's neck like a
good-luck charm.
    Now, he slowly raised its gaping mouth
towards his lips.
    And blew.

    Beck was back on the beach, staring out to
sea. The hut, the Kogis, Mama Kojek – all
were gone. And something inside him had
changed too. Yes, it was still him all right.
Still Beck Granger standing here thinking
his own thoughts. But he had entered a
different world.
    His eyes scanned the horizon nervously.
Just a few hundred metres out to sea,
beyond where the surf was breaking, was a
sight Beck had never witnessed before outside
the pages of a history book. Two
Spanish galleons

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