prisoner, so
that I can’t stroll out with my sons once the visit is over. I’m bound to say
that I find this tiny act humiliating.
    I’m then
ushered into a room about the size of a large gymnasium. Chairs are set out in
five long rows marked A to E. I report to a desk that is raised three or four
feet above the ground, and another officer checks his
list and then tells me to go to C11. All the prisoners sit on the right-hand
side, opposite their visitors who sit on the left. There is a small, low table
in between us which is screwed to the floor, and is meant to keep you apart.
There is also a balcony above us that overlooks the whole room, with even more
officers staring down on the proceedings to see if they can spot anything being
passed across the tables below them. They are assisted by several CCTV cameras.
A notice on the walls states that the tapes can be used as evidence for a
further prosecution, and in capitals adds: THIS
    I walk down
three rows to find William sitting on his own. He jumps up and gives me a big
hug, and I’m reminded just how much I’ve missed him. James, he tells me, is at
the canteen purchasing my favourite beverage.
    He appears a
few minutes later, carrying a tray of Diet Cokes and several KitKats . The boys laugh when I pull all three Cokes towards
my side of the table, and make no attempt to offer them even a stick of the KitKat .
    Will begins by
telling me about Mary’s visit to Strathclyde University, where she made a short statement to the press before delivering her
lecture. She began by remarking that it was the largest turnout she had ever
managed for a lecture on quantum solar-energy conversion.
    Will is not
surprised to learn that I have received over a thousand letters and cards in
the first few days at Belmarsh , and he tells me there
are almost three times that number back at the flat. Support is coming in from
every quarter, James adds , including thoughtful
statements from John Major and George Carey.
    ‘Alison has had
a list typed up,’ my younger son continues, ‘but they wouldn’t allow me to
bring anything into the visits room, so I’ll have it
posted on to you tomorrow.’
    This news gives
me such a lift, and makes me feel guilty that I had ever doubted my friends
would stand by me.
    I alert the two
boys to the fact that I am writing a day-to-day diary, and will need to see my
agent, Jonathan Lloyd, my publisher, Victoria Barnsley ,
and my editor, Robert Lacey, fairly soon, but, as I am only allowed one
personal visit every two weeks, I don’t want to see anyone other than the
family until I’ve been moved to an open prison.
    Will tells me
that he’s already booked himself in for two weeks’ time, but hopes I will have
been transferred to somewhere like Ford long before then. Because I’ve not been
reading any newspapers or listening to the news, as I’m heartily sick of
inaccurate stories about myself and what I’m up to at Belmarsh ,
Jamie brings me up to date on the battle for the Tory Party leadership. He
reports that the polls clearly indicate that the people who deserted the
Conservatives at the last election want Ken Clarke, while the party membership favours Iain Duncan Smith. I like and admire both men,
though neither is a close friend. However, it doesn’t
take a massive intellect to work out that if we hope to win the next election,
or at least make a large enough dent in the government’s majority to ensure
that opinion – formers believe we can win the following election, it might be
wise to take some notice of the electorate’s views as to who should be our
    I consider
dropping Ken a note, but realize it may not help his cause.
    Will goes on to tell me that Michael Beloff QC, Gilbert Gray QC and Johnnie Nutting QC are in regular touch with my legal
    Gilly wondered if Potts’s animosity had been aimed at Nick Purnell , as it’s the talk of the Bar that he lost his
temper with

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