Heinrich Himmler : A Life

Heinrich Himmler : A Life by Peter Longerich

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Authors: Peter Longerich
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signed by Göring which, in particular, qualified the requirement contained in the law for the Stapo offices to report to the provincial governors (Oberpräsidenten) and receive instructions from them(BAB, R 58/241, Position of the Oberpräsidenten vis-à-vis the Organs of the Gestapo, 10 February 1936, and 2 April 1936 re: the Ending of the Situation Reports of the Regierungspräsidenten, published as doc. no. 8 in Plum, ‘Staatspolizei’). The complaint of the Oberpräsident of the province of East Prussia to the Prussian Prime Minister dated 28 March 1936 clearly shows how the offices of the state police in East Prussia managed to remove themselves from the authority of the internal state administration (GStA, Rep 90 P 3). On this question see Gruchmann, ‘Justiz’, 559, and Browder,
, 214 ff. See also Göring’s instructions of 29 February 1936 (BAB, R 58/243): ‘The Regierungspräsidenten shall inform the Gestapa about the political situation and about political events through bi-monthly situation reports and reports of events. The Gestapa shall determine the details of what these reports are to cover […] The district offices of the Gestapo shall inform the Geastapa and the responsible Oberpräsidenten and Regierungspräsidenten about the political situation and political events. The Gestapa shall determine the details of what these reports are to cover.’
63 .
Das Schwarze Korps
, 8, 15, 22, and 29 May 1935.
64 . See above all the following articles: ‘Die Gestapo’ (the style of the article suggests that Werner Best was the author),
Völkischer Beobachter
, 23 January 1936; Reinhard Heydrich, ‘Die Bekämpfung der Staatsfeinde’,
Deutsches Recht
, 1936, 121–3 (April 1936); Werner Best, ‘Die Geheime Staatspolizei’,
Deutsches Recht
, 1936, 125–8 (April 1936); id., ‘Der Reichsführer SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei’,
Deutsches Recht
, 1936, 257–8 (July 1936); Himmler’s speech of 5 March 1936 (BAB, NS 19/4003) is also available as a booklet:
Rede des Reichsführers-SS vor den Preußischen Staatsräten. 5. März 1936 im Haus der Flieger
65 .
Völkischer Beobachter
, 23 January 1936: ‘The state must not be content with investigating crimes of high treason and treason that have already taken place and punishing the offenders. It is much more important to pre-empt such crimes and thereby to destroy the roots of these threats to the state.’
66 . In his articles in the
Deutsches Recht
Best opposed any attempt at subjecting the political police to ‘legal norms’ (April 1936); they required no ‘specific legitimation by law’ in order to be able to carry out their duties (July 1936).
67 . The term ‘State protection corps’ (Staatsschutzkorps) is used in an article in the
Völkischer Beobachter
of 23 January 1936; it refers to the Gestapo. In his series of articles in
Das Schwarze Korps
of May 1935 Heydrich had already referred to the SS, insofar as it was serving in the state police, as the ‘domestic political protection corps of the National Socialist state’ (29 May 1935).
68 . The Gestapo article in the
Völkischer Beobachter
of 21 January 1936 states that the Gestapo knows that it ‘must directly hurt a large number of people’.
69 . Published as a booklet: Heinrich Himmler,
Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation
(Munich, 1936).
70 . BAB, NS 19/4003.
71 . See above p. 183.
72 . In his letter to the Reich Finance Minister of 21 September 1935 Frick demanded the reintegration of the political police into the general police and the transfer of the police from the states to the Reich (BAB, NS 19/3581, also in R 18/5627; see also Tuchel,
, 313). In November 1935 Frick sent the head of the Reich Chancellery, Hans Heinrich Lammers, a memorandum composed by Daluege which was intended to prove the need to transfer the police to the Reich (BAB, R 43 II/391). It is unclear whether at this

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